- Ordination to the Diaconate - Homily by Met Anthony Bloom.
Ordination to the Diaconate - Homily by Met Anthony Bloom. AND...
The Primary task of a deacon is love
The deacon protects the prayer of the priest.
The deacon proclaims the Gospel with power and authority, but only if he himself has received the word.
- The Psalter chases the blues away. The Psalter applies to everything. The Psalter always applies to you. Weak faith.
- Avoid profane and vain babblings. Life is short. Treat each day as your last, and you will never sin. 1 Timothy 6:17-20. Nov 27/ Dec 10 27th Thursday after Pentecost
- Christian Life Skills: Praying for others. Praying for enemies. The Jesus Prayer. To pray for someone more diligently
- Priest Daniel Sysoiev. Matushka Julia Sysoieva. Collection for his family.
- His Holiness, Patriarch Pavle, Another glimpse into his remarkable life. Nov 12/25 2009
- Christian Life Skills: The Jesus prayer. Pray without ceasing. New Testament Challenge and the Jesus Prayer Challenge. Nov 11/24
- Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Children's liturgy and children's sermon. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8
The sermon in the Children's liturgy contained something for all children of God - we are children of the light - it is really THAT simple.
- The day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8
1 Thessalonians 5:1-8. The Apostle exhorts regarding the judgment, a theme that is mentioned every day in Orthodox services, and refers to darkness as sin and being in the light as the calling of all Christians.
- 30(40) days of blogging. Nov 5/18 2009
- Patriarch Pavle stories.
- The cry of every pastor and shepherd: For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord, For ye are our glory and joy. What is life? Commentary on 1 Thessalonians 2:20-3:8
- Let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. Idolatry, Honesty. Mat 5:33-37
- ST. BASIL THE GREAT ON THE PSALTER, from the Russian Orthodox Psalter
- THE ATHANASIAN CREED. From the Russian Orthodox Psalter. Mystery
- "Hope in our Lord Jesus Christ" is only possible when there is "work of faith, and labor of love". When is the Gospel… "not … in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost"?
- Holy Father Nicholas, pray to God for us! Summing things up in the Akathist to St Nicholas. Understanding prayer to the Saints. Nighttime pictures of temple construction.
- The Great Litany. The Litany of Peace. A short introduction.
- That we may be delivered from all tribulation, wrath, and necessity… Thoughts on a petition in the Great Ectenia, the Litany of Peace
- St Longinus the Centurion. St Sergius of Radonezh. Children's School - ages 6-11.
- The Law and Sin. What is Sin? Romans 3:20
- Twelve Meanings of Candles Based on Their Properties by Mitred Archpriest Alexander Lebedeff, rector of Holy Transfiguration Cathedral, Los Angeles, CA
- I count all things but loss - The knowledge of Christ Jesus - That I may win Christ - Philippians 3:8 - Biblical Exegesis
Exegesis of Philippians 3:8 AND... I count all things but loss - The knowledge of Christ Jesus - That I may win Christ . It is always about You! Also in format
- A house upon a rock. Words to build by. Luke 6:46-7:1. Children's Liturgy.
- Construction Photos - Building of the Apse. APSE-solutely Wonderful!
Oct 7/20 2009 20th Tuesday after Pentecost Also in format
- Christian Life Skills - The Four Bows. Give the first fruits of your day to the Lord
- What is a Christian? What is a Saint? The Orthodox Dogma of sanctity, by St Justin Popovich
- A Wonderful Revelation to the World. Parable of the ten Virgins. The Oil is the Holy Spirit. The proper dogma regarding works. St. Seraphim of Sarov's Conversation With Nicholas Motovilov
- Christian Life Skills -Being on time
- Christian Love is not the same as the World's love. Love without knowledge and judgment is not love. The Dogma of Love. Philippians 1:8-14
- Iconostasis Design Meeting, with pictures and design sketch of altar and iconostasis. Sep 29/ Oct 12 2009
- Everything MUST have meaning! Sickness. Drug Addiction. Priorities.
- Raising the Dead vs Influencing the belief of the dead, from St John Chrysostom, Homily 3 on Ephesians. A useful perspective for the pastor, and anyone who cares.
- Construction Photos - The walls are almost done. Photos taken before our Thursday Evening Moleben. Sep 18 / Oct 1 2009
- Classic Chrysostom. How to read St John Chrysostom.
Classic Chrysostom. How to read St John Chrysostom. AND...
Psychology and Theology.
Refuting all our excuses for sins.
- The Raising of Lazarus Church, Muromansky Monastery. The Model for our new temple
- The Church is shown to be a many-lighted heaven, Happy anniversary to us.
The Church is shown to be a many-lighted heaven, Happy anniversary to us. AND... Construction progress with PICTURES - the walls are almost done. Also in format
- Venerable Theodora. True Repentance. False Accusation. A sinner helping other sinners not to sin.
- Prayer of Intercession. A Prayer in Accord. Father Arseny, a Cloud of Witnesses
- Nativity of the Theotokos. Grace beginneth to produce splendid fruit. The all-holy mountain. A commentary on one of the Praises stichera for the feast.
- Deliver my soul from a lying tongue (short mp3 audio reflection)
Reflection of verses in the Antiphons (Songs of Ascent) before the Matins Gospel, Tone 5, Sunday. AND...
Deliver my soul from a lying tongue ... An important double meaningthat we must understand.
- A unified Russian Church is a great Spiritual Force
Interview with Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia Also in format
- Martyrs Adrian and Natalia, Pouring the Slab Aug 26/ Sep 8 2009
On the feast day of Adrian and Natalia, Aug 26/ Sep 8 2009, a progress report with pictures on the construction of our new temple. Also in format
- Dormition hymns: The Furnace and the Theotokos
Dormition hymns: The Furnace and the Theotokos AND...
The Three Holy Children.
The Angel of the Lord.
The Best time to hear the hymns of the church.
Everything depends on our disposition. Also in format
- Fund-raising news. New Construction photos. Hard work man.
- What happened on the Cross? Dispassion.
A meditation on Tue Vespers, Tone 8, Lord I have Cried, Sticheron 1. What happened on the Cross? Dispassion. Also in format:
- Bad Company ruins good morals.
Meditation on the Daily Readings of 10th Tuesday after Pentecost, and 1 Corinthians 15:33
Bad Company ruins good morals. AND...
Guidelines for reading, with freedom for departures.
Who are we hanging out with?
What we do IS who we are with. Bad Company ruins good morals.
EVERYTHING we do affects our intelligence. Also in format:
- Information regarding the Establishment of English Speaking Convent in the Mid-American Diocese. July 25 / Aug 7 2009.
- Moleben on the Land, with Pictures July 24/ Aug 6 2009 9th Thursday after Pentecost.
Report on a moleben served on our recently purchsed land. AND...
The littlest choir member.
Let them sing!
It should be illegal to be this cute. Also in format:
- Repentance, it's not just for Lent anymore.
Repentance, it's not just for Lent anymore. AND...
A church that forgets its monastic heritage is not a church.
Nine Angelic ranks.
Seven Archangels.
The Fig Tree. Also in format:
- REALLY believing in the resurrection.
Meditation on Thursday Matins Tone V, First Sessional Hymn.
REALLY believing in the resurrection. AND...
Good manners.
Dogma is not just facts. Also in format:
- The Importance of Monasticism. 7/7 - 7-20 2009 7th Monday after Pentecost
The Importance of Monasticism. AND...
Poverty, obedience, chastity, stability.
We obey those whom we know love us.
Chastity is Integrity.
Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Women's Monastery Also in format:
- Parish news - building progress. 07/01 - 07/14 2009 6th Tuesday after Pentecost
Parish news - building progress. AND...
Pledge letter.
Two things I ask my flock to do.
The Octoechos (Paraklitiki)
The Services are the Scriptures Explained.
Can't get enough of that true about myself stuff. Also in format:
- Cut to the chase. Thought on a Vespers Parable on the Feast of John the Baptist
The Angel of the Lord. AND...
What is a Vespers "Parable"?
Comments on First Vesper Reading. Genesis 17:15-17, 19; 18:11-14; 21:1-8
- Future plans for St Nicholas. 06/23 - 07/06 2009. 5th Monday after Pentecost.
Future plans for St Nicholas. And..
Building Permit.
Parish prayer helps everybody.
It is always about morality.
If you cannot stop sinning, at least be kind.
Romans 12:4-5, 15-21 Also in format:
- Moments of Clarity during Matins
Moments of Clarity. AND...
Many feelings.
The importance of evening services.
The easy way to be an Evangelist.
We need quantity in order to obtain quality. Also in format:
- To the Jew first, and also to the Gentile. Matthew 10:5-7
Commentary on Monday's reading. Matthew 10:5-7 AND...
Freely you have received, freely give.
Hunters for humility. Also in format:
- Freely ye have received, freely give. A fundamental principal of priestly ministry.
Freely ye have received, freely give. A fundamental principal of priestly ministry. AND...
A great privilege.
The multitudes and the pastoral heart.
Laborers. Also in format:
- Two sins that lead to all others. It's always about you. Romans 1:18-27
Two sins that lead to all others. It's always about you. Romans 1:18-27 AND...
Sexual immorality.
The delusion of the age.
We must have courage. Also in format:
- Day of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost Icon Explanation. King Cosmos
- Lovest Thou Me? Meekness. Patience. Learning things the hard (and only) way. Saturday before Pentecost. Soul Saturday.
- What is "all truth"? How do we find it?
What is "all truth"? How do we find it? AND...
Campus Crusade for Christ.
Dogma is moral.
Monasticism. Also in format:
- Prayer for the Prosperity of the Russian Church
Prayer for the Prosperity of the Russian Church
AND... Pastoral Zeal.
Liturgical Renovationism.
A three sided coin. Also in format:
- Holy Righteous Job. An Eclectic Commentary on the Book of Job
Holy Righteous Job. An Eclectic Commentary on the Book of Job
AND... How should we read "difficult" books?
Praying for our children with the Jesus prayer Also in format:
- The Stones raised up as children to Abraham. Christian worship is Jewish!
- Why do we pray facing East?
Why do we pray facing East? AND...
Why does the priest not face the people when he prays?
Orthodox Christian worship is prayer, not entertainment.
Some people smile too much.
The Domino Theory.
St. John of Damascus, Book IV, chapter 12. Also in format:
- Scripture is blunt. Slogans. Jesus wept. Even right brains can get things done.
- The pleasure of little things. Pascha season fasting rules.
The pleasure of little things. Pascha season fasting rules.
Difference in services in the Paschal season.
Repetition is necessary.
The safe way to sautй with Olive oil.
Rutabagas are great.
A recipe that has no name.
Friday of Thomas Week 2009 Also in format:
- Prison Ministry. Hackberry trees. Serendipity. Just showing up.
- After the Great Canon service. A happy heart. 5th Wednesday of Great Lent 2009.
A happy heart. AND...
Fasting creates simple pleasures.
Lentil Curry, & cooking oil and onions.
"Yummy" Black Cherry soda.
The Theme of the Great Canon.
St Mary of Egypt.
What is the "Pastoral Journal"?Most of the day to day writing done for this website and our
blog is
commentary on scripture and the service texts. These are the most important things to understand, because both contain the "words of life" (Scripture being them, and the services par-excellence, a comprehensive commentary and explanation of scripture and our Orthodox theology).
My number one practical goal as a pastor is to induce in others a fervent desire to know and live the true Christian faith. We moderns know the scripture and service texts poorly, so that is my main concentration. I figure that if anyone, Orthodox or not, begins to perceive the beautiful intricacy and precision of the Scripture and the service texts, they will see that the Orthodox church is the perfect expression of the truth, and they will be drawn to adopting it, or living more fully and seriously in it.
As a rule, I try to follow the church calendar, and the readings for the day, or the services upcoming.Sometimes, inspiration just does not come about these things, or I just think of something else, in that never ceasing churning of my mind, and want to write something edifying that does not really fit into any category. Hence, the "Pastoral Journal", with its sporadic, sometimes "stream of consiousness" posts. Priest Seraphim.