St Nicholas Orthodox Church, McKinney Texas - Contact Information

               Mailing Address: St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, PO Box 37, McKinney, TX 75070

Physical Address: 708 S Chestnut, McKinney, TX 75069-6503 (also accepts mail)

Phone: 972 658-5433 (accepts texts)

Directions and Map

Service Schedule and Calendar

MITEY MITES! Our weekly benevolence collection

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          Priest Seraphim Holland

Priest Seraphim Holland

         Mobile with voice mail: (972) 658-5433


         2102 Summit Dr, McKinney TX 75071

         Facebook: Id "Priest-Seraphim Holland"

             When He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth

             The reason I pursued Orthodoxy and was found by it.

Personal testimony of Priest Seraphim Holland


Deacon Nicholas Park Nicholas Park


         Facebook: Nicholas Geoffrey Park


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Donate via Paypal or check. If you donate to our debt reduction, we will commemorate you forever

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