Petitions for the persecuted because of their faith in Christ, and our brethren that are suffering because of war.


(1. For the Great Ectenia)  (2. For the Fervent Ectenia)



(1. For )                         (2. Again we pray for )

Our suffering brethren and those who in the name of Christ

are persecuted, harassed, tortured & murdered in

[ Syria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Nigeria, Sudan & throughout the world, ]

& for the salvation and preservation of their lives & their holy places

& especially for St Catherines MOnastery, Metropolitan Paul & Mar Gregorios & Archbishop Jovan & the priest Joseph & his flock

(1. Let us pray to the Lord)   (2. ).


(1. For )                         (2. Again we pray to the Lord our God for)

All those who suffer from acts of war, especially for the victims and all those involved in the struggle in  

[Syria, Iraq, Gaza, Ukraine & throughout the world ]

& for His peace & mercy in the midst of the great suffering that people are now inflicting on each other, & that He would accept the prayers of  His Church, so that by His goodness peace may return to all peoples

(1. Let us pray to the Lord)   (2. ).


(1. That the )                 (2. Again we pray that the)

Lord our God will grant repentance, & enlighten the minds & hearts of those who commit injustice against their neighbors, whether by causing sorrow to orphans or spilling innocent blood or by returning hatred for hatred, & illumine their souls with the light of love even towards their enemies

 (1. Let us pray to the Lord)  (2. ).



Use these in ectenias in Liturgy, Vespers, Matins & Molebens, AND AT HOME (when used at home, they can be modified a little since, you are alone). Revise countries, and people commemorated as desired.

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