St Peter the Wonderworker, Metropolitan of Russia.

Commemorated December 21 in the Orthodox Christian Menaion

From the Prologue

Born in the province of Volinsk, he received the monastic habit at the age of twelve. He was a great ascetic and an icon-painter. He founded a monastery on the river Rata, and became its abbot. He was made Metropolitan of Kiev against his will, and consecrated in Constantinople by Patriarch Athanasius. As Metropolitan, he suffered a great deal at the hands of the envious and of heretics, governing the Church for eighteen years as a good and zealous pastor. During his lifetime, he built himself a tomb in the Church of the Dormition, where his holy and wonderworking relics are preserved to this day. He entered into rest in 1326, and went to his true homeland.

From The Prologue From Ochrid by Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich
©1985 Lazarica Press, Birmingham UK

Be the benefactor of an Orthodox temple! We have been in our new temple since June 2010. The cost was much higher than budgeted and our debt burden is very high. Donations to our building fund will help us pay down the debt so we can afford to build the iconostasis.

Donate to the Building Fund using PayPal.
You may also send funds to: St Nicholas Orthodox Church
memo "Building Fund"
P.O. Box 37, McKinney TX. 75070

Help our prison minstry! I see almost 30 men in 3 prisons. I visit each prison twice a month, and serve Divine Liturgy once a month in each prison. There have been 11 baptisms, and 4 more are planned in 2016. Monthly travel costs alone are about $600.00, not to mention postage, toner, printing, books, etc. The parish cannot fund the prison ministry at this time. Please consider a one time donation, or contact me for a small monthly donation. also contact me if you know of someone in the Texas prison system whom I should contact. I pray for prison benefactors. God bless you! Priest Seraphim Sept 2015
Donate to the Prison ministry using PayPal.

Redeeming the Time

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St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, McKinney, Texas