4 new homilies by Pr Seraphim and Dcn Nicholas for Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday

“Rejoice In The Lord Alway And Again I Say Rejoice”
Synopsis:A homily by Deacon Nicholas Park in which he discusses the admonition of the Apostle Paul to “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice”. Many if the children of Jerusalem who cried “Hosanna” were worshipping Jesus as the person they *wanted* Him to be, and not as He really is.

Learning Humility by recounting the events of Holy Week
Synopsis: A very short homily after Vespers in the vigil for Palm Sunday. The events of Holy week should teach us humility. Many mistakes were made, by those who loved the Lord and those who hated Him. For instance, two prophesies, one from Zechariah, and the other from Jeremiah, were fulfilled to the letter, and the leaders who plotted to destroy Jesus, and who knew the Scripture, were blind to this. Martha and Mary, who loved the Lord, showed deep ingnorance about Who He is. We must learn humility from these examples.

“In confirming the common resurrection” and other reasons why Lazarus was raised.
Synopsis: After Matins for St Lazarus, a short homily giving examples from the services which detail three of the reasons why the story of the resurrection is so prominent in the Gospel of John, and is read at this time of the year, and the most important reason, from the story itself, why this extremely intimate account of this great miracle of Christ is preserved.

Exegesis of the raising of Lazarus story

Lazarus Saturday. The entrance into holy week and the prophesy of our resurrection.

The Saturday of Lazarus is The entrance into holy week and a prophesy of our resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ enables us to have our resurrection. What it the most important part of this story? All that is true, and that is alive is because of Jesus Christ. Our life is to become like Christ. If we become like him, we will have life in ourselves; If not, we will have no life.

Lazarus Saturday I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. New Audio Homily.

We cannot exhaust all the theological profundity of the story of the resurrection of Lazarus. This short homily after Presanctified liturgy, 3 days before Lazarus Saturday, focuses on just one thing: Martha’s interaction with Jesus and the reality that is difficult to fully believe UNLESS it is lived: “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live”

Lazarus Saturday. The Resurrection applies to us NOW.

Today we look toward the resurrection, and we look also set our eyes on the resurrection we will celebrate with great fervor and zeal and festivity in only another week. But today we look at our resurrection, very explicitly because Lazarus was a man like us and was dead and already decomposing, and our Lord raised him from the dead. …

Mary of Egypt Shows Us How to Repent How to Cultivate a Repentant Spirit. Audio, HTML, Doc

In our continuing series of small homilies between Vespers and matins, based upon the texts of the services, we examine the repentance of St Mary of Egypt, and see how we can emulate it. Her repentance was not a one time, unique event! We must find ways to cultivate a repentant spirit; the hymns discussed today give us much to do to accomplish this.

“The pollution of past sins prevented thee from entering the church to see the elevation of the Holy Cross; but then thy conscience and the awareness of thine actions turned thee, O wise in God, to a better way of life. And, having looked upon the ikon of the blessed Maid of God, thou hast condemned all thy previous transgressions, O Mother worthy of all praise, and so hast gone with boldness to venerate the precious cross” (5th Sunday of Lent, Sat Vespers, Lord I have cried)

“I am held fast in the mire of sin, and there is no strength or courage in me; the tempests of my trespasses hast overwhelmed me. Look upon me, O Virgin, I entreat thee, for thou hast borne the Word who alone loves mankind. Deliver me from every sin, from all the passions that destroy my soul, and from every ill inflicted by the enemy, that I may sing with joy; Intercede with thy Son and God, O undefiled, that remission of transgressions may be given to those who in faith take refuge beneath thy protections.” (5th Sunday of Great Lent, Matins, Sessional Hymn after the 3rd Ode)

Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little. St Mary of Egypt.

The Gospel for St Mary of Egypt presents a “riddle” to us: “Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.”. The Lord tells us she is forgiven because of her love! What does this mean? It is very important to understand. We see in both Gospels 3 examples of what to do or not do to nurture this kind of love.

Mary Of Egypt Shows Us How To Repent. How To Cultivate A Repentant Spirit.

In our continuing series of small homilies between Vespers and matins, based upon the texts of the services, we examine the repentance of St Mary of Egypt, and see how we can emulate it. Her repentance was not a one time, unique event! We must find ways to cultivate a repentant spirit; the hymns discussed today give us much to do to accomplish this.

“The pollution of past sins prevented thee from entering the church to see the elevation of the Holy Cross; but then thy conscience and the awareness of thine actions turned thee, O wise in God, to a better way of life. And, having looked upon the ikon of the blessed Maid of God, thou hast condemned all thy previous transgressions, O Mother worthy of all praise, and so hast gone with boldness to venerate the precious cross” (5th Sunday of Lent, Sat Vespers, Lord I have cried)

“I am held fast in the mire of sin, and there is no strength or courage in me; the tempests of my trespasses hast overwhelmed me. Look upon me, O Virgin, I entreat thee, for thou hast borne the Word who alone loves mankind. Deliver me from every sin, from all the passions that destroy my soul, and from every ill inflicted by the enemy, that I may sing with joy; Intercede with thy Son and God, O undefiled, that remission of transgressions may be given to those who in faith take refuge beneath thy protections.” (5th Sunday of Great Lent, Matins, Sessional Hymn after the 3rd Ode)

Excellent Russian/English Confession charts for confession and preparation for confession

Many Russian people find it difficult to confess in English, even if they are fluent. These two charts are excellent. The longer one is great to use for preparation, and FOR A PERSON TO TAKE NOTES AND BRING THE NOTES TO CONFESSION. Of course, this PRESUPPOSES that there is preparation for confession, which is absolutely necessary for a good confession

These charts are in pdf format, and were provided to one of our ROCOR clergy list some time ago.

Also many links about prepartions for confession, examples for confession, etc.