Synopsis: Exegesis of the Irmos from Ode 3: "I have thee as the shelter and defense of my life, thee the Theotokos and Virgin, pilot and govern me into thy sheltered port for thou art author of good things and staff of the faithful, o thou only all lauded one. " There are many beautiful scriptural allusions here, such as, "sheltered port", "staff of the faithful" (an allusion to the rod of Aaron that budded – a symbol of the Theotokos, which refers to her ever-virginity", "author of good things". We also discuss the spirit of this canon and what is the most important thing to "get out" of it.
More homilies on the Paraklesis Canon to the Theotokos are HERE
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Interesting spelling of 'Pilot' Father!
Well I fixed it. I have no idea why I made that mistake. I am more interested in your feelings aboutt the content of the homilies.