Preparation for Holy Communion 10 Things. Parts 6,7. The Evening before Liturgy, the Marital Fast

6. On the evening before Holy Communion, we should not behave as if it is just another day. …

7. It has always been Christian tradition that a man and wife abstain from sexual relations on the evening before Holy Communion.

This was even the case in Old Testament times before important events. The reason we observe this important tradition is because marriage is an IMAGE of the love of the bridegroom (Christ) for the church, and therefore, of how we should love God. An image is inferior to the prototype, so we abstain from sexual relations, which are inferior to our love for God. …

Preparation for Holy Communion – 10 Things. Part 5. Pre-Communion prayers

5. Sometime before Divine Liturgy, you should say the “Pre-communion” prayers.

They are in any complete prayer book. They begin with some psalms, then a canon, then some pre-communion prayers from various saints.

This prayer rule is easy for some and very difficult for some. If it is hard for you, then split it into pieces. For instance, say the canon Saturday morning and the other prayers Saturday afternoon, or evening, or say a part on Saturday and a part on Sunday morning. It is even possible to split the rule up over some days throughout the week. …