+DANIEL (an Orthodox Christian) reposed on the Sunday of All
Saints, June 11, 2017 (ns), while trying to swim across the Spree river near
the Ebertbrücke, 10117 Berlin. He was on a college trip, studying abroad.
Daniel had time, and cared for anyone who crossed his path. He was always very
kind. Daniel was our son (Priest Seraphim & Marina), brother, uncle,
This page is in his memory. Until the resurrection, Son!
Daniel's list
Daniel's list for prayer.
This list has categories, related to Daniel, and his life, death, and legacy.
Please pray for Daniel, and those on His list.
If you agree to pray for Daniel, contact Fr Seraphim to be put on Daniel's list.
Those in need, typical people Daniel would have cared for.
Those who have been kind.
Those who lost someone suddenly
Those who have agreed to pray for Daniel
Those who died suddenly
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Daniel's Memorial Foundation
Daniel's Memorial Foundation
Daniel was very generous in life. We would like to keep his legacy going after his death. A memorial account has been set up in his honor.
This account, Daniel's List/Daniel’s Memorial Foundation - will be used exclusively to help others in need and to donate to worthy causes, just as Daniel would have done if he were still with us. He was well known by all of us to ALWAYS give to a street beggar or musician, and he would always engage then in conversation. He also was very generous with his substance, his housing, everything. If you feel inclined to contribute financially, please consider making a donation to this account in Daniel's honor.
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Homilies about Prayer for the deadAll these homilies are from our sermons page
"If we believe that Jesus died and rose again..." What the resurrection really means - NOW. (mp3 format)
Epistle for the commemoration of the dead on Saturday
1 Thessalonians 4:13-17
SYNOPSIS:There is a very large word in the scriptures, with only two letters: "if". The Apostle says "If we believe that Jesus died and rose again..." We talk about what belief in the resurrection really means. The martyrs understood, our almost post-Christian society does not. We discuss worldly sorrow and Christian sorrow and an overview of last judgment. Remarks at one of the "40 days" liturgies, for +Daniel, my son.
At the funeral for Daniel: about his deep heart and how and why we pray for the dead, and how to properly keep his memory. (Word DOC format)
How and why Orthodox pray for the dead
The deep heart
Also in Format:
mp3 SYNOPSIS:Remarks at the funeral of Daniel Holland, from his father. His deep heart, and how and why we pray for the dead, with examples from the Akathist for the dead, and how we should remember him. It is with actions, not words.
The resurrection is not only in the future. (mp3 format)
Gospel for the commemoration of the dead on Tuesday and Saturday
John 5:24-30
SYNOPSIS:The Gospel for the dead, which is read on Tuesday and Saturday, teaches emphatically that the resurrection is not only a future event. Remarks at one of the "40 days" liturgies, for +Daniel, my son.
God's perspective is different than our perspective. There is only one thing that matters. (mp3 format)
Gospel for the commemoration of the dead on Thursday
John 6:40-44
SYNOPSIS:The perspective of God is not the same as our perspective, so we must change. There is only one thing that is important in life, and that is, that we will be raised up on the last day. This eternal perspective should influence everything we do that is temporal. Remarks at one of the "40 days" liturgies, for +Daniel, my son.
This corruption must put on incorruption. (mp3 format)
Epistle for the commemoration of the dead on Friday
1 Corinthians 15:47-57
SYNOPSIS:About the earthy man and the spiritual man, and the amazing thing: "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption." -- BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, so: "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed." This exalted topic is mixed with some reminiscing about the "Campus Crusade" (typical Evangelical Protestant ) view of salvation, which does not understand such things. Remarks at one of the "40 days" liturgies, for +Daniel, my son.
Sermons that mention +Daniel
Birth of John the Baptist. "Now it is high time to awake out of sleep" (mp3 format)
Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
Romans 13:11-14:4
Grace,mercy, do's & dont's, and becoming vessels of grace. (mp3 format)
Romans 12:6-14
SYNOPSIS:Christianity is to live in a moral way. It is not dogmas or principles in the abstract. It is very practical. We talk about do's and don’ts, legalism, grace and mercy, and making ourselves vessels of grace, and a line by line exegesis of Paul's "do's". Since this is during the 40 days for my son +Daniel (http://www.orthodox.net/daniel), there are also very personal examples of how God visits with grace, but we must react to this grace.
How to give five loaves and two fish to everyone (mp3 format)
Martyr Marina
Matthew 14:14-22 : Luke 7:36-50
SYNOPSIS:We must give what we have. We all have at least 5 loaves and two fish. We must have open, and soft hearts and see the people who need something, and give them what we have. The Lord will make things multiply. A practical, moral look at the Miracle of the feeding of the 5000, and the actions of the woman who was a "sinner"
The best way to learn is to follow an example. The Rich Young Ruler. (mp3 format)
The Rich Young Ruler
Matthew 19:16-26
SYNOPSIS:The best way to learn is to follow an example. We have many examples - the God-Man Jesus Christ, the saints, and those we respect in this life. We look at the admonition given to the Rich Young Rules in this light. Three examples are discussed - my dad (and BASEBALL!), St Timothy of Esphigmenou, and St Paisios. The point is not really that we must follow certain rules - we must follow Jesus Christ, and all the rules we follow will be because we follow Him. The most important part of the admonition is AT THE END: "If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and ***follow me**"
Dormition Scriptures. The point is the mind of Christ and the good part, and how to acquire them. (mp3 format)
Phillipians 2:5-11 : Luke 10:38-42,11:27-28
SYNOPSIS:On the Dormition, an exegesis of the readings for the feast, with an emphasis on the mind of the Theotokos and the mind of Christ and how to aquire this mind - that is point of Christian life! - and why we venerate her so highly.
"Here am I" - the answer to almost every question. The Holy Prophet Samuel. (mp3 format)
Prophet Samuel
Samuel(1 Kings)3:1-10
SYNOPSIS:God called the holy Prophet Samuel simply by speaking his name: "Samuel". The young man answered 3 times "Here am I", and a 4th time:"Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth. " This is enough to know about the prophet’s life, it we apply it to our own. His answers are the answers we should give to almost every question and encounter we have in life. We give a few examples from Samuel's life, and also practical examples, because it is useless to know about Samuel's virtues unless we also emulate them.
Marriage prospers if we sow bountifully. (mp3 format)
2 Corinthians 9:6-11
SYNOPSIS:Texts on marriage. Sowing bountifully. A necessity of a good, Christian marriage. How marriage enables almsgiving. Practical and theological reasons to "sow bountifully".
Prayer for the dead - resources/teachings.
Prayers for the dead
Prayer for a child who has fallen asleep.
This is a very good prayer, and includes petitions for the child and the parents.
+Daniel's parents, Priest Seraphim and Marina Holland say it every day. In two formats:
Prayer for every departed person - from the Psalter
O God of Spirits...
From the Pannihida service, & also used in private prayer for the reposed.
In English and Russian In two formats:
Commemoration of the departed at the family meal
In memory of +DANIEL: Sing one or both of the following hymns after the blessing of the food at a family meal. Include the names of the departed in your family, and anyone else you would care to remember. For convenience, those you remember can be written on the back of this card. Keep the card by your dining table. In our prayers at home together, we can, and should, pray for anyone. Printable formats:
The Holland clan - Commemoration of the departed at the family meal
In memory of +DANIEL: Sing one or both of the following hymns after the blessing of the food at a family meal. Include the names of the departed in your family, and anyone else you would care to remember. For convenience, those you remember can be written on the back of this card. Keep the card by your dining table. In our prayers at home together, we can, and should, pray for anyone. Printable formats:
Prayer for one about to die, by St Nephon
Two Prayers on Soul Saturday
Prayer of St Macrina, as she lay dying
Death and dying
From the Holy Fathers - death, dying, etc.
About the Icons Commemorated on the Day of Daniel's repose
Daniel's mother speaks
Daniel, about 11, with his mom and dad.
Daniel took a picture of this picture, when it was displayed on his mother's computer, and kept it in his phone. A kinda low-tech way to save a picture, but very meaningful for us.
Daniel's Father speaks
Daniel's family speaks
Daniel's friends speak
Daniel's writings