Grandchildren at Pascha, 2009

The proud pastor’s grandchildren at the Midnight Service. For an excellent writeup about this service, see:

Categorized as Pascha

Archbishop communes Maasai warriors!

From a clergy email list I subscribe to, courtesy of Fr Vladimir Boikov: The latest episode of the weekly "Orthodox Encyclopeadia" program is about Orthodoxy in Kenya and the amazing work of Archbishop Macarios. Watch for him chasing a giraffe, communing Maasai warriors, dancing with his parishioners and seminarians. Unbelievably Apostolic! (Halfway down the page… Continue reading Archbishop communes Maasai warriors!


The way to Emmaus is the path of the Christian Life. Luke 24:12-25. Matinal Gospel 5

This gospel is always read on Bright Tuesday. Here are some thoughts on it from our archives.  I want to tell you something about this Gospel.  This matinal Gospel is not only a recounting of sacred history; it is also a type or a template for the Christian life.  It is an example of… Continue reading The way to Emmaus is the path of the Christian Life. Luke 24:12-25. Matinal Gospel 5

Holy Friday 2009. At the Tomb. Audio Homily:Behold the Man!

LISTEN NOW John 19:5  Behold the man! John 18:38  Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? If the "LISTEN NOW" link does not work, copy this URL into your browser: If this file does not work for you, try the direct link to the actual mp3 file: RSS feed of Sunday and some weekday… Continue reading Holy Friday 2009. At the Tomb. Audio Homily:Behold the Man!

On the Passion

The following is the beginning of St. Ephraim the Syrian’s hymn on the Passion of Christ. You can find the entire hymn here . I am afraid to speak and touch with my tongue this fearful narrative concerning the Saviour. For truly it is fearful to narrate all this. Our Lord was given up today… Continue reading On the Passion


The inner meaning of Palm Sunday. 2009. Audio Homily.

The events of Palm Sunday are momentous, but they cannot be understood without understanding the words of the Apostle Paul and contrasting them to the actions of the people who received Jesus joyfully and with shouts of praise as he rode into Jerusalem on a colt, the foal of an ass. LISTEN NOW Philippians 4:4-9… Continue reading The inner meaning of Palm Sunday. 2009. Audio Homily.

Receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved…

Today’s reading from St. Paul’s epistle to the Hebrews[1] is a beautiful exposition of how we, as disciples of Christ, should live our lives. Why is the reading read on this particular day, the day on which we celebrate our Lord’s Resurrection of Lazarus? I think that the key is in the first words of the… Continue reading Receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved…