The simple meaning of the parable of the Publican and Pharisee and the Jesus prayer.

This is really two homilies. The first is about the simple meaning of the parable of the Publican and Pharisee. It is that we will not be saved if we are proud and judge others. We discuss some of its nuances. We also discuss the prayer of the publican “God be mercy to be a sinner”, and the Jesus prayer. There is a lot of practical detail. This is really important stuff.

Teaching of Vespers on the Publican and Pharisee, exegesis of Timothy

The first 3 hymns of Vespers from the Triodion teach us the meaning of the Publican & Pharisee parable. We also examine the epistle for this day, and tremble regarding our example to others. We look at the expectation of persecution that a Christian must have and example from the current news of how “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” is being fulfilled in our day. Also the power of scripture and the necessity of reading it.

Electronic Newsletter January 16/29 Zacchaeus Sunday

St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, McKinney, Texas Electronic Newsletter January 16/29  Zacchaeus Sunday Announcements "Mighty Mites" Collection Prayer Requests Schedule of Divine Services in the Coming week Fasting in the Coming week Announcements Our Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 12th. Anybody who considers this parish home and who has attended regularly for… Continue reading Electronic Newsletter January 16/29 Zacchaeus Sunday

Zacchaeus teaches us the process of repentance.

The Story of the repentance of Zacchaeus, the “chief among the publicans” marks the beginning of the preparation period for Great Lent, which in turn prepares us for Pascha. We look at this story in the larger context of what we should be doing in Great Lent. It is *not* just about fasting and repentance! It is more about opening ourselves to the grace of God to be changed and healed. This is what happened to Zacchaeus, and we look into our Lord’s dealings with him and his response in detail, with the aim that both would teach us how to live in a way that makes us more able to receive the grace of God and change, and be truly happy.

Electronic Newsletter January 9/22 Sunday after Theophany

  St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, McKinney, Texas Electronic Newsletter January 9/22  Sunday after Theophany Announcements "Mighty Mites" Collection Prayer Requests Schedule of Divine Services in the Coming week Fasting in the Coming week Announcements "Mighty Mites" Collection This week, we collected $240 for a framed bulletin board to be placed outside the main doors of… Continue reading Electronic Newsletter January 9/22 Sunday after Theophany

How to answer temptations and what happens after baptism. Sat/Sun after Theophany Matthew 4:1-11, Matthew 4:12-17

The history of what Jesus did after His baptism is critical for us to understand. He set the example, both by accepting baptism and showing us what we MUST do after baptism. Let’ look in detail at how to encounter temptation, which will surely come to us. We must be ready.