LISTEN NOW Luke 16:19-31 19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: 20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, 21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the… Continue reading Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus. A important pinciple is taught. 22nd Sun after Pentecost. Audio Homily.
Category: Pastoral Journal
Summing things up in the Akathist to St Nicholas Understanding prayer to the Saints Nighttime pictures of temple construction.
Holy Father Nicholas, pray to God for us! Oct 24/ Nov 6 2009 22nd Friday after Pentecost O most-holy and most-wonderful Father Nicholas, consolation of all that sorrow, accept our personal offering, and entreat the Lord that we be delivered from Gehenna through thy God-pleasing intercession, that we may sing: Alleluia! (Kontakion 13, Akathist to… Continue reading Summing things up in the Akathist to St Nicholas Understanding prayer to the Saints Nighttime pictures of temple construction.
The Great Litany – The Litany of Peace. A Short Introduction.
The Great Litany The Litany of Peace An Orthodox deacon extending his orarion at the end of a petition of a litany. (A Deacon, Andrei Ryabushkin, 1888) The Great Litany is said as the first litany of Divine Liturgy and Vespers, after the Six Psalms in Matins and at the beginning of the… Continue reading The Great Litany – The Litany of Peace. A Short Introduction.
That we may be delivered from all tribulation, wrath, and necessity…
That we may be delivered from all tribulation, wrath, and necessity… Thoughts on a petition in the Great Ectenia, the Litany of Peace Oct 21/Nov 3 2009 22nd Tuesday after Pentecost. Monk Hilarion the Great. That we may be delivered from all tribulation, wrath, and necessity, let us pray to the Lord. 10th… Continue reading That we may be delivered from all tribulation, wrath, and necessity…
St Longinus the Centurion. St Sergius of Radonezh. Childrens School
St Longinus the Centurion Oct 16/29 St Sergius of Radonezh Children’s School – ages 6-11. Oct 15/28 2009 21st Wednesday after Pentecost Here is a slightly cleaned up and shortened version of notes my wife wrote to teach about St Longinus the Centurion in our church school. She made me promise to not… Continue reading St Longinus the Centurion. St Sergius of Radonezh. Childrens School
The Law and Sin What is Sin? Romans 3:20
Oct 14/27 2009 21st Tuesday after Pentecost Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. Rom 3:20 KJV It cannot be that perfectly doing the works of the law is of no benefit, since Christ… Continue reading The Law and Sin What is Sin? Romans 3:20
Twelve Meanings of Candles Based on Their Properties
Candles Oct 13/26 2009 21st Monday after Pentecost. Holy Martyr Zlata. A Meditation about candles [1], by Mitred Archpriest Alexander Lebedeff, rector of Holy Transfiguration Cathedral, Los Angeles, CA, with his introduction: “I thought that I might share on this list a meditation that I wrote on the spiritual messages that the various… Continue reading Twelve Meanings of Candles Based on Their Properties
I count all things but loss. The knowledge of Christ Jesus. That I may win Christ. Philippians 3:8
I count all things but loss The knowledge of Christ Jesus That I may win Christ Philippians 3:8 Biblical Exegesis It is always about You! Oct 10/23 2009 20th Friday after Pentecost Today’s reading from Philippians is too good to miss. If one only had this passage and the Gospels it would be enough.… Continue reading I count all things but loss. The knowledge of Christ Jesus. That I may win Christ. Philippians 3:8
A house upon a rock. Words to build by. Luke 6:46-7:1 Children’s Liturgy
A house upon a rock Words to build by. Luke 6:46-7:1 Children’s Liturgy Oct 8/21 2009 20th Wednesday after Pentecost We just so happen to building a church just now (have you heard? J ) Today’s Gospel reading applies in a very direct way to our building project. This project is ongoing, and… Continue reading A house upon a rock. Words to build by. Luke 6:46-7:1 Children’s Liturgy
APSE-solutely Wonderful!
Construction Photos Building of the Apse Oct 7/20 2009 20th Tuesday after Pentecost Apse construction viewed looking West Apse construction viewed looking East Look good (and will look better when we get some pictures with the deaconesses in front)! We should have the roof on inside of two weeks if the… Continue reading APSE-solutely Wonderful!