Behold the man! What is truth! Holy Week – Holy Friday – At the tomb John 18:38; John 19:5

Brothers and sisters, behold the Man.

That?s what Pilate said. He also said, ?What is truth??

To ?behold the man? is to behold truth, but Pilate didn?t notice. Why didn?t he notice?

Because he did not live according to the truth.

Why was Jesus Christ crucified?

Because people did not live according to the truth.

Why was the crowd, the tumult, why was the crown of thorns, the sham trial, the false witnesses?

Because people did not live according to truth, and therefore they did not recognize Truth.

When the Scripture says something, we must listen. Pilate said, ?Behold the Man.? So we must then obey this instruction….

He reckoned up the value of the oil of myrrh, and yet was not afraid to sell thee who art above all price. Judas and us. Holy Thursday Liturgy.

Synopsis: On Holy Thursday we remember the institution of the Eucharist, and how it is salvific for man – but not for all. Much of our hymnology for this day speaks of Judas and his betrayal of the Lord. If we listen carefully, Judas is not just a historical figure far removed from us, but we will feel deeply that we have dangerous similarities to him. Judas fell into the insanity of deicide because of long-standing passions, and bad choices, In a word, he had bad priorities. This point is “hammered home” in many hymns, such as the one we choose to discuss:

Judas the transgressor at the supper /
dipped his hand into the dish with Thee, O Lord, /
yet sinfully he reached out his hands to receive the money. /
He reckoned up the value of the oil of myrrh, and yet was not afraid to sell Thee who art above all price. /
He stretched out his feet to be washed, yet deceitfully he kissed the Master
and betrayed Him to the breakers of the Law. /
Cast out of the company of the apostles, /
he threw away the thirty pieces of silver, /
and did not see Thy Resurrection on the third day. //
Through this Thy Resurrection have mercy on us.
(Praises, Matins of Holy Thursday, Tone 2)

I have transgressed more than the harlot, O loving Lord… Cultivating the proper attitude to have regarding our sins and weak repentance. Holy Wednesday Matins

Homily after Holy Wednesday Presanctified Liturgy discussion how the services give us a primer in how to regard our sins and weak repentance. The comparison of Judas and the woman of Bethany is very useful to teach us, and especially the Kontakion at matins which teaches us the essence of Christian honesty, repentance and hope:

I have transgressed more than the harlot, O loving Lord, /
yet never have I offered Thee my flowing tears. /
But in silence I fall down before Thee /
and with love I kiss Thy most pure feet, /
beseeching Thee as Master to grant me remission of sins; /
and I cry to Thee, O Savior: //
Deliver me from the filth of my works.
(Kontakion, Tone 4, Holy Wednesday Matins)

While the sinful woman brought oil of myrrh, the disciple came to an agreement with the transgressors… Comparing and personalizing Judas and the woman of bethany.

While the sinful woman brought oil of myrrh, /
the disciple came to an agreement with the transgressors. /
She rejoiced to pour out what was very precious, /
he made haste to sell the One who is above all price. /
She acknowledged Christ as Lord, /
he severed himself from the Master. /
She was set free, but Judas became the slave of the enemy. /
Grievous was his lack of love! /
Great was her repentance! /
Grant such repentance also unto me, //
O Savior who hast suffered for our sake, and save us.
(Praises, Holy Wednesday Matins, Tone 1)

The harlot drew near Thee, O Thou who lovest mankind, /
and poured out on Thy feet the oil of myrrh with her tears; /
and at Thy command she was delivered from the foul smell of her evil deeds. /
But the ungrateful disciple, though he breathed Thy grace, /
rejected it and defiled himself in filth, /
selling Thee from love of money. //
Glory be to Thy compassion, O Christ.
(Sessional Hymn after the 3rd Kathisma, Holy Wednesday Matins, Tone 3, Troparion melody)

Judas, with avaricious thoughts, ponders, plots and accepts the darkness The progression of sin into self-imposed slavery. Now in text form also.

Six minutes on the progression of sin. Holy Week is not only about the events surrounding the passion of our Lord, but is also a time for introspection and self-amendment. The descent of Judas into the insanity of deicide did not happen all at once, but progressed because of his addiction to a particular passion. We read a sessional hymn from Holy Tuesday Matins, and see how it describes the progression of sin in *our* lives unless we fight to not "accept the darkness". This is VERY important, and applies to EVERYONE.
"Impious Judas with avaricious thoughts plots against the Master, and ponders how he will betray Him. He falls away from the light and accepts the darkness; he agrees upon the payment and sells Him that is above all price; and as the reward of his actions, in his misery he receives a hangman’s noose and death in agony. O Christ our God, deliver us from such a fate as his, and grant remission of sins to those who celebrate with love Thy most pure passion." (Sessional Hymn, Tone 8, Holy Tuesday Matins). In Text, with links to audio and Word doc formats.

Judas with avaricious thoughts, ponders, plots, and accepts the darkness. The progression of sin into self imposed slavery. Holy Tuesday

Six minutes on the progression of sin. Holy Week is not only about the events surrounding the passion of our Lord, but is also a time for introspection and self-amendment. The descent of Judas into the insanity of deicide did not happen all at once, but progressed because of his addiction to a particular passion. We read a sessional hymn from Holy Tuesday Matins, and see how it describes the progression of sin in *our* lives unless we fight to not “accept the darkness”. This is VERY important, and applies to EVERYONE.

“Impious Judas with avaricious thoughts plots against the Master, and ponders how he will betray Him. He falls away from the light and accepts the darkness; he agrees upon the payment and sells Him that is above all price; and as the reward of his actions, in his misery he receives a hangman’s noose and death in agony. O Christ our God, deliver us from such a fate as his, and grant remission of sins to those who celebrate with love Thy most pure passion.” (Sessional Hymn, Tone 8, Holy Tuesday Matins)

4 new homilies by Pr Seraphim and Dcn Nicholas for Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday

“Rejoice In The Lord Alway And Again I Say Rejoice”
Synopsis:A homily by Deacon Nicholas Park in which he discusses the admonition of the Apostle Paul to “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice”. Many if the children of Jerusalem who cried “Hosanna” were worshipping Jesus as the person they *wanted* Him to be, and not as He really is.

Learning Humility by recounting the events of Holy Week
Synopsis: A very short homily after Vespers in the vigil for Palm Sunday. The events of Holy week should teach us humility. Many mistakes were made, by those who loved the Lord and those who hated Him. For instance, two prophesies, one from Zechariah, and the other from Jeremiah, were fulfilled to the letter, and the leaders who plotted to destroy Jesus, and who knew the Scripture, were blind to this. Martha and Mary, who loved the Lord, showed deep ingnorance about Who He is. We must learn humility from these examples.

“In confirming the common resurrection” and other reasons why Lazarus was raised.
Synopsis: After Matins for St Lazarus, a short homily giving examples from the services which detail three of the reasons why the story of the resurrection is so prominent in the Gospel of John, and is read at this time of the year, and the most important reason, from the story itself, why this extremely intimate account of this great miracle of Christ is preserved.

Exegesis of the raising of Lazarus story

Lazarus Saturday. The entrance into holy week and the prophesy of our resurrection.

The Saturday of Lazarus is The entrance into holy week and a prophesy of our resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ enables us to have our resurrection. What it the most important part of this story? All that is true, and that is alive is because of Jesus Christ. Our life is to become like Christ. If we become like him, we will have life in ourselves; If not, we will have no life.