The Stones raised up as children to Abraham. Christian worship is Jewish!

5th Monday of Pascha, May 5/18 2009 From: Back when we were having classes after Wednesday Vespers, I was covering various prayers of the church (the sessions were recorded.) I hope we can get back to those sessions again, but to be completely honest, we will need to have a little bit better regular… Continue reading The Stones raised up as children to Abraham. Christian worship is Jewish!


Why do we pray facing East? Why does the priest not face the people when he prays?

 Why do we pray facing East? Why does the priest not face the people when he prays? Orthodox Christian worship is prayer, not entertainment. Some people smile too much. The Domino Theory. St. John of Damascus, Book IV, chapter 12.   4th Saturday of Pascha.  May 3/16 2009    From I have a pet… Continue reading Why do we pray facing East? Why does the priest not face the people when he prays?

The Samaritan Woman 2009. A textbook lesson in how to acquire the Holy Spirit

LISTEN NOW If the "LISTEN NOW" link does not work, copy this URL into your browser: If this file does not work for you, try the direct link to the actual mp3 file: RSS feed of Sunday and some weekday homilies: Archive of Audio and text homilies:htMediatp://

The conversation of Christ with the soul. Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

Fifth Sunday Of Pascha In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.   Christ is risen!  Truly he is risen!   Today we are privileged to witness a holy conversation.  This conversation is not just between Christ and a woman.   It is between Christ and the soul. … Continue reading The conversation of Christ with the soul. Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

The Paralytic “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk!”   4th Sunday of Pascha John 5:1-5 In the name of the Father, and the Son and the holy Spirit Amen. Today we see a man who is healed … twice. The man’s healing was completed in stages, as it is for us also. And we Orthodox Christians must recognize how God heals us,… Continue reading The Paralytic “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk!”

3rd Friday of Pascha

Scripture is blunt. Slogans. Jesus wept. Even right brains can get things done!   Scripture can be very blunt. It can say more with less words than any literature I can think of.  Some of my favorite verses are very short and blunt. For some reason, the blunt verses really penetrate into me, and become… Continue reading 3rd Friday of Pascha

Pascha videos

Courtesy of Nat, here are some Pascha videos. We will put them on the website when we figure out a place to put them! At the present time, we are in the midst of redesigning the site, and will have a place for video links.   Holy Saturday: YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Metacafe, DailyMotion, and… Continue reading Pascha videos

Categorized as Video

Friday of Thomas Week 2009. The pleasure of little things. Rutabagas. A recipe.

  Ok, a little late, but I started this journal entry over a week ago, and its contents are still timely.   The pleasure of little things. Pascha season fasting rules. Difference in services in the Paschal season. Repetition is necessary.    The safe way to saut? with Olive oil. Rutabagas are great. A recipe that… Continue reading Friday of Thomas Week 2009. The pleasure of little things. Rutabagas. A recipe.