Pentecost “Out of His belly shall flow rivers of living water” Why the belly?

?He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of His belly shall flow rivers of living water?.

So our Lord said on a feast of Pentecost — before the feast of Pentecost that we celebrate, during His earthly ministry when He promised the Spirit; because the living water is the Spirit, and concerning it we hear this wonderful image: “Out of his belly shall flow forth rivers of living water.”

Now what is the belly for, what does the belly signify? …

What is “all truth” How do we find it? Campus Crusade for Christ. Dogma is moral. Monasticism.

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:

This reading has particular significance for me, as it caused me to search for the true church; thank God that God revealed it to me! During this search, I was in Campus Crusade for Christ, ?witnessing? in the student union at Purdue University on a regular basis, and even went to Daytona Beach one Spring break to evangelize all the motorcycle riders, and to Cape May Courthouse, New Jersey for about two months to evangelize the New Jersey boardwalk.

I have ?Campus Crusade? to thank for leading me to Orthodoxy. They are quite serious, and also quite inconsistent in their faith. They basically agree that ?We all believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and must invite Him into our heart? in order to be saved. They do not have any significant theological precision about WHO Jesus Christ is, and belief in any or all of the following is ?optional?: …

Pentecost. Only those who thirst will drink the living water.

(From a sermon given on Pentecost 2001.. Next Sunday is Pentecost) In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.   Today we celebrate the bringing of the Holy Spirit, Pentecost, the fulfillment of the Resurrection in the heart of man. Christ prophesied it Himself, and the fulfillment… Continue reading Pentecost. Only those who thirst will drink the living water.

Prayer for the Prosperity of the Russian Church. Pastoral Zeal. Liturgical Renovationism. A three sided coin.

Friday after Ascension, May 16/29 2009   I am always full of things I want to say to my flock, and there is so little time. There is so much to say about Ascension, which, together with Pascha and Pentecost, I consider to be different sides of a “three sided” coin. I hope to discuss… Continue reading Prayer for the Prosperity of the Russian Church. Pastoral Zeal. Liturgical Renovationism. A three sided coin.

Ascension of Christ.

Questions & Answers[1]   QUESTION 1. What significance does the event of the Ascension of Jesus Christ have for the Christian? We should understand why we celebrate any feast, and its inner meaning.   ANSWER Christ ascended to Heaven as man and as God. Once he became a man, being at the same time, as… Continue reading Ascension of Christ.


Prophet Isaiah, today. The Coal from the altar, what he did, and what we should do, and other things.

  This is from our "10things" section. I wanted to write more, but the day is way too busy, and I covered the most important thing, I think The Holy Prophet Isaiah is commemoreated today. May 9/22.     Prophet Isaiah 10 Things[1] Commemorated May 9/22   1. Holy Prophet Isaiah lived 700 years before the… Continue reading Prophet Isaiah, today. The Coal from the altar, what he did, and what we should do, and other things.


An Eclectic Commentary on the Book of Job. Praying for our children with the Jesus prayer.

5th Tuesday of Pascha – May 6/19 2009 Today we remember Righteous Job. His story is a difficult one to understand in all its specifics, but we can glean useful and soul-saving nuggets from it. This is a good approach with Wisdom literature and much of the Psalter, and indeed the Old Testament especially. Remembering… Continue reading An Eclectic Commentary on the Book of Job. Praying for our children with the Jesus prayer.