Commentary on 2 Timothy 4:9-22, read on the 28th Wednesday after Pentecost. Loneliness. Delivered out of the mouth of the lion

Commentary on 2 Timothy 4:9-22, read on the 28th Wednesday after Pentecost. Loneliness Delivered out of the mouth of the lion   St Paul wrote this letter when he was in prison for the second and last time. It was most probably the last letter in the canon of scripture that he wrote. In vs.… Continue reading Commentary on 2 Timothy 4:9-22, read on the 28th Wednesday after Pentecost. Loneliness. Delivered out of the mouth of the lion


Reading the Psalter

The Psalter chases the blues away. The Psalter applies to everything. The Psalter always applies to you. Weak faith     Today, I have been a little down. There are a lot of pressures right now, in our personal finances and worries abut the church finances. I worked 47 hours last week; No pastor should… Continue reading Reading the Psalter

Avoid profane and vain babblings. Life is short. Treat each day as your last, and you will never sin.

Contemporary wisdom tells us that “life is short,” and so we should enjoy ourselves, take up a challenge, or make a difference in the world. We should not waste the little time that we have.

Likewise, the holy fathers tell us that each day could be our last, and that we should therefore “redeem the time, because the days are evil.” Or, as one of the desert fathers said, “Treat each day as your last, and you will never sin.”

Life is short, but what does this mean?

Commentary on 1 Timothy 6:17-20, Nov 27/ Dec 10 27th Thursday after Pentecost

Great Martyr James the Persian. Nov 27/ Dec 10

The Menaion contains stories that only the faithful who are full of faith believe! The story of the martyrdom of the great James the Persian reminds of that of St Mary of Egypt. Her story seemed so impossible to many even in a more pious time when it was first written down, that St Sophronios was forced to insert the parenthetical remark: “If there do happen to be people who, after reading this record, do not believe it, may the Lord have mercy on them because, reflecting on the weakness of human nature, they consider impossible these wonderful things accomplished by holy people.” (Life of St Mary of Egypt by St Sophronios) Such a comment must also apply to the life of the heroic martyr James the Persian, whose exploit is before us and heaven today.


Christian Life Skills: Praying for others. Praying for enemies. The Jesus Prayer.

A critical “Christian Life Skill” is to pray for others. This is an expression of love. We must also especially pray for our enemies or those who have wronged us, to root out any vestiges of bitterness. Here are simple, practical ideas to add prayer for others to your way of life, cutting through excuses, lack of time, confusion, fatigue, and distraction