Snow in Texas. Hope in the soul.

It has snowed about 12 inches in Dallas Texas! I went to a nearby heavily wooded park with my dog and walked through gigantic fields, expanses of blinding whiteness.

Snow makes me think of purity. It makes me hopeful. It just feels good to walk in the midst of it.

As is usually the case when I am somewhere in an introspective mood, I begin to think in metaphors and feel this welling up in my soul, a desire for change.

Just as snow can cover everything and make it look clean and beautiful, so can my repentance make me clean and beautiful. …

O Lord and Master of my life. The Prayer of St Ephrem explained

The “Prayer of St Ephrem” is ubiquitous during Great Lent, and is used in all weekday services, and in prayers at home.   This prayer is much like the “Our Father”, in the following way. When the disciples asked the Lord to teach them to pray, He told them to “pray in this way”, and… Continue reading O Lord and Master of my life. The Prayer of St Ephrem explained

Updated Building Chronology with lots of pictures.

It aint perfect yet, since we use rather barbaric editing tools (can you believe that we wrote this whole thing in Word and converted it to HTML?), but here is an up to date building chronolgy. We anticipate being finished in time for Pascha this year (and even before Palm Sunday) …

Come Receive the Light interview with Matushka Marina, Diaconissa Genevieve

See “Come Receive the Light” for the following:

“On this very special episode of Come Receive the Light, guest host Kevin Allen speaks with NFL superstar Troy Polamalu and his wife Theodora Polamalu about their work with FOCUS North America. Tune in to hear them talk about their work to fight poverty in North America and to find out how you can help.

[Certainly the above sounds interesting, but excuse me for the following catcning my eye a little more! FS]

Also with us are Matushka Marina Holland and Diaconissa Jennifer Park from St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in McKinney, TX. They’re here to give families some tips on fasting and to tell us about their wonderful online recipe archive. …

Categorized as Fasting

Just received from our Diocesan secretary regarding donations to Haiti.

Just recieved from our Diocesan secretary regarding donations to Haiti. …

As promised in the letter of 4/17 January, 2010 this letter contains specific details regarding collections for those suffering in Haiti which you have been conducting in your parishes since the time of the serious earthquake there on January 12.

Bishop Peter has received the report of Deacon Matthew Williams and has decided that the best course of action at this time is to support the Fund for Assistance of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia with the funds collected in our parishes. The Fund for Assistance will see to it that the funds are used in the best possible way to support our Orthodox Christian brothers and sisters in Haiti …

Categorized as Haiti