Parable of the Good Samaritan. The finest Incarnational Theology in the Gospels. Without empathy, we will not be saved. Audio Homily, 2010

he very important Parable of the Good Samaritan, only in Luke is always read in or near the Nativity Fast, appropriately, since it may be the finest exposition of incarnational theology in the Gospels. The answer to the question teaches us a critical virtue – empathy with our fellow man, without which we will not be saved, by describing the whole economy of the incarnation in the symbolism of the elements of the parable. Truly, this is a parable we should contemplate deeply.

Parable of the Good Samaritan. The Greatest Commandment. 10 things.

The very important Parable of the Good Samaritan, only in Luke, is discussed in ten main points. It is always read in or near the Nativity Fast, appropriately, since it may be the finest exposition of incarnational theology in the Gospels. Its intricate incarnational and moral theology is discussed. The symbolism of the parable is discussed – everything mentioned means something significant. Truly, this is a parable we should contemplate deeply.

Categorized as 10 things

O Good Physician… A prayer inspired by St Ephrem the Syrian Monasticism applied to everyone! The Modern Illness in Orthodoxy

O Good Physician,
Thou callest me, demanding no payment, nor spilling my blood,
But my slothfulness prevents me from going to Thee….

After a prayer inspired by a gleaning from St Ephrem the Syrian, the quote which inspired it, and a short commentary on the importance of monasticism and the illness of the modern church.

The purpose of the commandments. St Maximus the Confessor

The whole purpose of the Savior’s commandments is to free the mind from incontinence and hate and to bring it to the love of Himself…

After this quote from St Maximus the confessor, a short pastoral comment:

This has been one of the themes of my priestly ministry…

A pastor must strive to give his flock a reason to follow the commandments. This quote by St Maximus is the reason, or, better, one of the many ways of expressing the reason. A person who really listend to my homilies…

Categorized as Gleanings

Make your vows and pay them to the Lord our God. A short timely commentary. Audio.

Synopsis: Psalm 75:10, “Make your vows and pay them to the Lord our God”, was the prokeimenon for today. Reader David Hawthorne shares how this verse is very timely for our community, and reads a portion of a commentary from Blessed Augustine and briefly expounds upon it. The point is: we must make some vow to the Lord, even if it is a “widow’s mite”, to gain spiritual discipline in our lives.

One Body, One Spirit, One Hope, One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism. Descending,then Ascending Fulfills The Gospel. Audio Homily 2010

n this longer than usual sermon, the first part of Ephesians chapter 4 is expounded on. This selection not only presents important dogmas that are the bedrock of our faith, it also presents the proper perspective to have regarding our neighbor – a perspective that will help us to fulfill all the commandments. The doctrine of Christ’s descent into Hell is discussed, and its moral application to all of our prayer, and indeed, all of our life. This selection contains some of the most important spiritual lessons a pastor can preach.