Fund-raising news New Construction photos. Hard work man.

Aug 1/ 14 10th Friday after Pentecost. Beginning of Dormition Fast.


Good news this week on the fund raising front. We are in the midst of trying to raise $40,000 to complete our building project. A letter to this end is here, and also available in PDF or WORD format. We would be in your debt[1] if you printed this letter and sent it to those who may want to be the founding benefactors of a temple. 


We have had $780.00 sent to us via mail this week, in response to a mailing to ROCOR clergy I know, and the notice on the web site. Donations are coming in on a regular basis. We will get totals soon, to show how close we are to raising the $40,000 we need to complete the project. I estimate we have raised near $3000 so far towards our goal.


We drilled holes for the piers and poured concrete for them today. Next week, plumbing and electrical rough in, and if we are real fortunate, we will pour the slab.


In the mean time, in order to save money, I have been moonlighting at the construction site.


Below, I am drilling the holes for the piers in the hot Texas sun.



Here is where the new location of the cross will be.



Priest Seraphim Holland 2009.     St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, McKinney, Texas


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[1] The letter explain that we wish to pray perpetually for all our benefactors.


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