- 8th Sunday after Pentecost (HTML format)
Feeding The 5000 And St Elijah
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- 8th Sunday after Pentecost (Word DOC format)
- 8th Sunday after Pentecost (mp3 format)
- 8th Sunday after Pentecost (mp3 format)
- 8th Sunday after Pentecost (mp3 format)
Feeding The Five Thousand,prophet Elijah
You Give Them To Eat
SYNOPSIS:The Feeding of the 5000 is not only the story of a miracle, it is a command to all Christians. Lest we think we are incapable of 'giving them to eat', we have the example of the holy Prophet Elijah, who was a man 'subject to like passions as we are'.
- 8th Sunday after Pentecost (mp3 format)
Feeding Of The 5000
- 8th Sunday after Pentecost (mp3 format)
Feeding Of The Five Thousand
Simple Truth And Layers Of Truth Compassion Trust Giving Thanks Apostolic Church
SYNOPSIS:The Feeding of the Five Thousand has many truths that we must learn. Some are apparently obvious, but still we should take note of them, since we do not do them enough: We must cultivate compassion for everyone, give thanks for all things, and trust our Lord Jesus Christ in all things and in all circumstances. The powerful truths of this miracle can be thought of as deeper layers. They are not immediately apparent from a surface interpretation of the text. Let us look especially at these truths as the Lord teaches us about true compassion, and trust in all circumstances. Another layer of truth in this event regarding the ministry of the twelve apostles, and the government of the apostolic church.
- 8th Sunday after Pentecost (mp3 format)
They Need Not Depart Give Ye Them To Eat
Matthew 14-14-22
SYNOPSIS:The feeding of the five thousand was a unique miracle, in that our Lord commanded his disciples to participate in it, by telling them: "Give ye them to eat." This is VERY significant. It is both a promise, a command and a privilege that EVERY Christian must obey EVERY day. Obeying this command is the ONLY way to happiness, as it is part of the fulfillment of the Great Commandment, as the fulfilling of that command is accomplished by actively fulfilling the second commandment. The miracle shows us that no matter what our circumstances are, "giving them to eat " will always be aided by God, and will result in an abundance. We may not feel this abundance until later, but is certainly will accumulate if we obey the command of the Lord to think of others first before ourselves.
- 8th Sunday after Pentecost (mp3 format)
Feeding Of The Five Thousand
Give Ye Them To Eat
Matthew 14-14-22
SYNOPSIS:The Feeding of the 5000 is not only a historical event, and a miracle; it is a command to each of us. If we do not follow this command we will never be happy. the entire story can be summarized by:" This is a desert place ... Give ye then to eat... end they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full" We are often unhappy because of our circumstances. We define happiness as good things that happen to us, but the Lord shows us not only a better way, but the only way: "Give ye them to eat" The results of following this command are mystically shown by the abundance of leftovers. Let us learn to head this command.
- 8th Sunday after Pentecost (mp3 format)
Feeding Of The Five Thousand
Give Ye Them To Eat
Matthew 14-14-22
SYNOPSIS:The Gospel teaches us how to think! The Feeding of the Five Thousand shows us human thinking vs. spiritual thinking. We are commanded and have the great privilege to feed the people. There is no desert place if a Christian believes. He may have a little or a lot, but whatever he gives, it will always be enough. Learn the difference between weak human thinking and powerful spiritual thinking. It truly is a great privilege to be a Christian!
- How to give five loaves and two fish to everyone (mp3 format)
Martyr Marina
Matthew 14:14-22 : Luke 7:36-50
SYNOPSIS:We must give what we have. We all have at least 5 loaves and two fish. We must have open, and soft hearts and see the people who need something, and give them what we have. The Lord will make things multiply. A practical, moral look at the Miracle of the feeding of the 5000, and the actions of the woman who was a "sinner"
- "Give ye them to eat". The great privilege of participating in and facilitating the grace of God. (mp3 format)
Give Ye Them To Eat
3 Examples To Follow
Matthew 14:14-22
SYNOPSIS:We have an enormous gift and privilege: to be able to participate in and to facilitate the grace of God. We look at the feeding of the 5000 and the command of the Lord Jesus Christ to his disciples that they feed the multitude in this context. Herein lies the key to triumphal Christian living.