Week of the Publican and Pharisee – TUESDAY, The “take home” message.

Today’s readings, followed by a few pastoral & personal thoughts.   Today’s readings are very complex, and hard to understand in their entirety. This should not keep us from the “take home” message.   When you read the scripture, you must be able to deal with the frustration of not understanding much of what you… Continue reading Week of the Publican and Pharisee – TUESDAY, The “take home” message.

Zacchaeus Sunday 2009. A “before” and “begining” story, to be continued…

LISTEN NOW Lots more about the Sunday of Zacchaeus:   http://www.orthodox.net/sermons/great-lent-sunday-before-great-lent-01_1999+sunday-of-zacchaeus_1tim;4-9-15+luke19;1-10.doc 1st Sunday before Great Lent (Word DOC format) Sunday Of Zacchaeus 1 Tim:4-9-15, Luke 19:1-10 1999 http://www.orthodox.net/sermons/great-lent-sunday-before-great-lent-01_2001+sunday-of-zacchaeus.html 1st Sunday before Great Lent (HTML format) Sunday Of Zacchaeus 2001 http://www.orthodox.net/sermons/great-lent-sunday-before-great-lent-01_2002+zacchaeus-sunday.doc 1st Sunday before Great Lent (Word DOC format) Zacchaeus Sunday 2002 http://www.orthodox.net/sermons/great-lent-sunday-before-great-lent-01_2007-01-21+sunday-of-zaccheaus.mp3 1st Sunday before… Continue reading Zacchaeus Sunday 2009. A “before” and “begining” story, to be continued…

Zacchaeus Sunday – push past the press

http://www.orthodox.net/sermons/great-lent-sunday-before-great-lent-01_2002+zacchaeus-sunday.doc   In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.[1]     Brothers and sisters, today is Zacchaeus Sunday; it one of the five Sundays that precedes Great Lent and helps us prepare for the Great Fast.        Zacchaeus was a publican and very rich. … Continue reading Zacchaeus Sunday – push past the press


“I am building a temple!”

The following is taken from the excellent BLOG by Fr Milovan. He sometimes gleans things from other sources, and I often glean things from him! I am building a temple! January 29, 2009 H/T: ????????, Archbishop Ignaty’s blog Three builders were carrying the same exact work. -What do you do? -each of them was asked. -I… Continue reading “I am building a temple!”

Fasting cannibals

I just came across the term "fasting cannibals" and it is so descriptive that I could not resist mentioning it, although it is still more than a month before Great Lent begins. The context is not really that important – just some arguing about prospective candidates for Patriarch in Russia. For some, this is a… Continue reading Fasting cannibals

Categorized as Fasting

Justification, faith and works. 33rd Mon after Pentecost.

Today’s readings, followed by a few pastoral & personal thoughts. Today’s reading from St James is one of my favorites. It is also one of the least understood parts of the NT, because of a misunderstanding about what “justification” is. Some Orthodox Christians may not see what the “big deal” is here, but this is… Continue reading Justification, faith and works. 33rd Mon after Pentecost.

Sunday after Theophany 2009: Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

LISTEN NOW Matthew 4:12-17 Now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison, he departed into Galilee; 13 And leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the sea coast, in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim: 14 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet,… Continue reading Sunday after Theophany 2009: Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Forgiveness and faith

  Todays’ reading is about faith and forgiveness. The two are connected in a marvelous, and unexpected way by our Lord.   He was answering the apostles, who were marvelling that a fig tree He had cursed had withered away. As is always the case, His answer was deeper than the question. He first adresses… Continue reading Forgiveness and faith
