The Lord’s Prayer / ??????? ????????

The Lord’s Prayer translated from the Russian at ??-??????: “Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come” (Lk. 11, 2) Thy name, the name of my Heavenly Father, I will reverence and hallow above every name. If I defile or soil my own name, I can cleanse it in the name of my Father. Do… Continue reading The Lord’s Prayer / ??????? ????????

Adoption to Sonship

“Our Father, Who art in the heavens”(Lk. 11:2)by St. Theophan the Recluse From the Russian book, “Day by Day.” Translated from the Russian text at ??-???????: Our Father! How little we understand what this means! Christ gave us the Father; often during His earthly life He repeated the words: “your Heavenly Father,” and he… Continue reading Adoption to Sonship

6th sun of Pascha – The Blind Man – It really is about character too.

LISTEN NOW John 9:1-38And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. 2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? 3 Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of… Continue reading 6th sun of Pascha – The Blind Man – It really is about character too.

Audio talk on: Vespers, An overview of the themes of Vespers, and the Jewish character of Orthodox worship.

LISTEN NOW In this catechetical talk, we give an overview of the themes of Vespers and the “Jewishness” of Orthodox worship. If the “LISTEN NOW” link does not work, copy this URL into your browser: If this file does not work for you, try the direct link to the actual mp3 file: RSS feed of… Continue reading Audio talk on: Vespers, An overview of the themes of Vespers, and the Jewish character of Orthodox worship.

5th Sunday of Pascha, 2008, The Samaritan Woman. "She left her waterpot."

LISTEN NOW John 4:5-42Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. 6 Now Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with [his] journey, sat thus on the well: [and] it was about the sixth hour. 7 There… Continue reading 5th Sunday of Pascha, 2008, The Samaritan Woman. "She left her waterpot."

Fifth Sunday of Pascha, Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

The Conversation of Christ with the soul In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Christ is risen! Truly he is risen! Today we are privileged to witness a holy conversation. This conversation is not just between Christ and a woman. It is between Christ and… Continue reading Fifth Sunday of Pascha, Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

? ???????????? / On Mid-Pentecost

????????? ?????? ?????????. ????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? (???. 14, 6-18; ??. 7, 14-30). ? ???????????? ???????? ????????? ?????? ???????: “??? ??????, ??? ?? ??? ? ???” (??. 7, 37). ???? ???, ?????????? ??? ? ????. ??? ???? ?? ?? ??????, ?????? ?? ?? ?? ???????????? ???? ???????, ?????????? ?????? ??????????????. ???????? ??????,????? ?? ???????,… Continue reading ? ???????????? / On Mid-Pentecost
