Holy Martyr Jacinthus (Hyacinth) Commemorated July 3. It is all because of holiness..

I read the lives of the Saints to inspire me and to show what I am not and what I should be. Who cannot be inspired by the super-human bravery of a TWELVE YEAR OLD BOY?

When I read the lives of the Saints, I often have a ?question? in my mind ? how could a person do such a thing ? have such bravery, endurance, humility, chastity, etc? The answer is always the same ? holiness. Or more properly, the ABSOLUTE, UNCOMPROMISING pursuit of holiness.

Would I have the courage to pray secretly when I knew being discovered would mean a terrible (in earthly terms) death? Yes, if I had faith and was holy….

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MENAION Jan 10/23 St Theophan the Recluse

Today we celebrate St Theophan the Recluse. His was a unique ministry – a “recluse” who communicated with hundreds of people regularly via letters. We are fortunate to have many of his letters, evidently saved by his correspondents. In addition, this “modern” Saint wrote many excellent books, all of which were steeped in the wisdom… Continue reading MENAION Jan 10/23 St Theophan the Recluse

The week in review – 2008 Jan 5-12, church calendar // Jan 18-25, Civil Calendar

The week in review – 2008 Jan 5-12, church calendar // Jan 18-25, Civil Calendar Dear Brothers and sisters: This week was the last part of the “twelve days of Christmas”, with The Eve of Theophany on Friday, Jan 5/18, and Theophany the next day, on Saturday. I hope you enjoyed the fast free period.… Continue reading The week in review – 2008 Jan 5-12, church calendar // Jan 18-25, Civil Calendar

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MENAION: Jan 3/16 St Genevieve of Paris

Jan 3/16 Holy Nun Genevieve of Paris From thy birth thou didst long for /Christ as thy bride, /and in youth’s full flower /thou wast granted thy heart’s desire. /Thou wast a steadfast defender /of condemned malefactors, /and protectress of Paris, O Mother Genevieve.(Megalynarian, according to Greek usage, written by Priest Seraphim, long ago, for… Continue reading MENAION: Jan 3/16 St Genevieve of Paris

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Jan 2/15 St Seraphim of Sarov Today is the my namesday. St Seraphim is a lot to live up to. When I was baptised, a friend told me that I had one year to pray in the air and glow in the dark (both these things are described in the Saints conversation with Motovilov) Still… Continue reading Untitled

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…to raise up the image that fell of old!

The beautiful troparion of the Forefeast of Nativity sums up succinctly the purpose of the incarnation of the God-Man, Jesus Christ. One may say, it contains in full our “theology of redemption”. Jesus Christ became man so that our image, which “fell of old” due to the sin of Adam and Eve, and the subsequent… Continue reading …to raise up the image that fell of old!

MENAION: December 20/January 2 – Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer the Bishop of Antioch

The Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer, was a disciple of the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, as was also St Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna (February 23). St Ignatius was the second bishop of Antioch, and successor to Bishop Euodius, Apostle of the Seventy (September 7). Tradition suggests that when St Ignatius was a little… Continue reading MENAION: December 20/January 2 – Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer the Bishop of Antioch

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