Lazarus Saturday The Resurrection applies to us NOW.

The resurrection applies to us now brothers and sisters. Not later — now. It changes us now, makes us able to live now. It comforts us now. It burns away our passions and our sins now. “The kingdom of God is within you,” [4] Christ said. The Resurrection and the Life lives within us now.

We must understand this. We must live this.

nd we must approach Christ in these two ways that his beloved friends approached him. …

St Mary of Egypt. Two ways to learn to love. Audio Homily 2010.

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Fifth Sunday of Great Lent – St Mary of Egypt

This kind cannot come forth by anything but by prayer and fasting.
Without labor you can’t be saved.

This kind cannot come forth by anything but by prayer and fasting.[1] So we read last week. What is this kind that cannot come forth? The demoniac boy was made by the demons to fall into fire and water, the fire being impurity – the lusts of the flesh, all manner of anger, meanness, murder and strife, envy, and all other such things. And the water means a distraction with worldly things – avarice, desire for things, distraction. Fire and water: this kind comes out not but by prayer and fasting.

But today we see indeed, that this kind will come out – if prayer and fasting and labor are applied. We see this because we have the example, the spectacle, before us of holy mother Mary of Egypt …

What shall a man give in exchange for his soul? The Christian life is all about priorities. What are we denying?

The Third Sunday Of Great Lent – Sunday of the Precious Cross.
In life, if you do anything, if you’re to be successful, then there are two main ingredients for this success. One is the knowledge of what you want, how you should do it — you must have understanding. Then you must also have the correct priority based on this understanding — or should I say, based on reality. …

Saint Gregory Palamas and the Healing of the paralytic borne of four. The answer to the question – Can anything good come out of Nazareth. Audio Homily

The Second Sunday of Great Lent is like a second “Triumph of Orthodoxy”, because the teachings of St Gregory Palamas are remembered. He answers the question posed last week:”Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” with resounding eloquence. The healing of the paralytic also contributes to answering this all important question, and indeed Great Lent especially, and our entire life nust be an answer to this question.