The Rich Young Ruler The main points are about hidden passions, ignorance About God and self and, yes, money too. New Text Homily.

Brothers and sisters, we should take care. There might be some hidden passion in us that keeps us from the Kingdom of God.

We may try to follow the Commandments; we might fast; we might pray; we might do good works in many ways, in many things, but we might have something we hold onto that is ungodly that keeps us from the Kingdom of Heaven.

This is the main story here today, about the rich man when he asks the topic that involves money and commandments.

But the take-home story is that there might be something wrong with you that you are not aware of. …

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Parable of the Unmerciful Debtor A “Kingdom of Heaven” parable. Gratitude and self knowledge lead to forgiving others. Text Homily.

… This is one of the Kingdom of Heaven parables. Whenever you hear that in the Scriptures, it is about how you need to live, the kind of person you need to be to obtain Heaven. Since it describes the Kingdom of Heaven, perhaps some think maybe it is referring the hereafter. No, the Kingdom of Heaven parables are primarily about how to live now.

And He says, the Kingdom of Heaven is likened unto “something”, and then He describes some parable. Sometimes it’s long; sometimes it’s short, but it is always about how we should live. Sometimes there is an example also about how we should not live. But it’s always about how to obtain the Kingdom by applying the examples given to the way we live.

Our Lord begins the parable: …

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Parable Of The Unmerciful Debtor. Gratitude and self Knowledge lead to forgiving others. 11th Sun of Pentecost 2010. Audio Homily.

LISTEN NOW Many more homilies on the unmerciful debtor at Matthew 18:23-35 23 Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants. 24 And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents. 25 But forasmuch as… Continue reading Parable Of The Unmerciful Debtor. Gratitude and self Knowledge lead to forgiving others. 11th Sun of Pentecost 2010. Audio Homily.

Parable Of the Unmerciful Debtor It is all about imitation. Text, Audio Homily.

“So likewise shall My Heavenly Father do also unto you,” the Lord says after the parable about the unmerciful debtor. And He begins the parable by saying: “The Kingdom of Heaven is likened unto.”

We see this many times in Scripture. Pay attention because constantly the Scripture is telling you what to imitate and what will happen if you do not imitate. The Scripture is full of examples of how we should live. All of the Kingdom of Heaven parables are of this format:

“The Kingdom of Heaven is likened unto.”

And the things that are being described are meant to tell us how we should live, how we should think, what we should feel, what is important, how we should be.

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Why could we not cast him out? This is how you obtain belief. 10th Sunday of Pentecost. 2010. Text homily.

The disciples asked our Lord a question today in the first reading, brothers and sisters: “Why could we not cast him out?”

When you read the Scriptures, I’ve told you many times because this is very, very important – read them as if they are speaking to you. So this is not just a question about why the Apostles could not cast out a demon from the boy.

This is a question about: Why do I feel unhappy? Why do I have trouble with a relationship or with my marriage or with something that makes me sad all the time? Or why can I not do this thing that is good that I know I should do? Or why can I not stop doing this thing that is bad that I know I should not be doing?

The Lord answers all of these questions:

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Jesus walks on the water Will we recognize Christ when He comes to us in the middle of the night?

he Lord coming to the disciples in dark of night, after they had struggled for hours with dangerous wind and rain describes many times in our life. Although the disciples were without Christ in body during their struggle, they were not really alone, as He was praying and aware of their needs. So it is with us. When the Lord comes to us in the midst of our struggles, do we recognize him, or are we of “little faith”?.

Also available in audio and video.

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