Receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved…

Today’s reading from St. Paul’s epistle to the Hebrews[1] is a beautiful exposition of how we, as disciples of Christ, should live our lives. Why is the reading read on this particular day, the day on which we celebrate our Lord’s Resurrection of Lazarus? I think that the key is in the first words of the… Continue reading Receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved…

Behold, the Bridgroom comes…

Why is the Matins service for the first three days of Holy Week called the “Bridegroom Matins”? Clearly, it must have to do with the two special hymns that are sung to a solemn melody during this service: Behold, the Bridegroom comes in the middle of the night, and blessed is that servant whom he… Continue reading Behold, the Bridgroom comes…

Categorized as Holy Week