Questions about the Sunday of the Cross

How was the cross foreshadowed in the Old Testament?
How did Jesus prophesy His death on a cross. Who did He tell he would die on a cross?
Normally Christians do not prostrate themselves on Sunday. Why? What is a prostration? On the Sunday of the Holy Cross we do prostrate. Why and when?

… And other questions about the Sunday of the Cross.

The Connection between abstinence and understanding.

Illumined in our souls through abstinence, let us venerate the saving cross upon which Christ was nailed, and let us cry aloud to it: Hail the delight and sure help of those that fast; Hail, destroyer of the passions, adversary of the devils; Hail blessed wood! (Matins Sessional Hymn, Tone 8, from the Triodion, Tuesday in the 4th week of Great Lent)

Why do we fast? If a person fasts because it is a rule, he does not understand- he is not “illumined”. We fast precisely because of the human condition, which needs fasting in order to be “illumined”. This is a biological/spiritual “law”, as binding upon the human body and soul as, for instance, the law that if one drinks a liter of alcohol they will not be able to reason well, or if more calories are ingested than are used in activity, a person will become fat.

There is a connection between the body and soul; each affects the other. We do not understand how this interaction occurs, but we know from experience various ways that each affects the other. …

A golden ring in a swine’s snout, a woman fair and foolish.

A golden ring in a swine’s snout, a woman fair and foolish.
Great Lent, the Fourth Week, Vespers, Proverbs 11:22 from the selection: Prov 11:19-12:6

The Proverbs has many pithy and sometimes humorous phrases.

What a sight it would be to see a woman, beautiful in all ways, except that she has the nose of a pig, with a ring in it! I daresay it would be much easier to avoid the lust of the eyes as soon as our gaze lights upon that nose with that ring! …

What shall a man give in exchange for his soul? The Christian life is all about priorities. What are we denying?

The Third Sunday Of Great Lent – Sunday of the Precious Cross.
In life, if you do anything, if you’re to be successful, then there are two main ingredients for this success. One is the knowledge of what you want, how you should do it — you must have understanding. Then you must also have the correct priority based on this understanding — or should I say, based on reality. …

“A deceitful balance” – Proverbs 10:31-11:12

A deceitful balance is an abomination before the Lord: and a just weight is his will. (Great Lent, the Third Week, Friday, Vespers – Proverbs 11:1, from the selection: Proverbs 10:31-11:12)

The Proverbs are excellent texts for checking ourselves. We must read the scriptures with the intent of finding personal correction and guidance.

When we observe good or bad behavior, do we resemble it? When there is a rebuke, would we deserve the same? When a prayer is uttered or a promise made, would we be truth tellers or liars if we said the same thing? …

The Ensign of the people.

In that day the root of Jesse, who standeth for an ensign of the people, him the Gentiles shall beseech, and his sepulchre shall be glorious. Great Lent, the Third Week, Thursday, The Sixth Hour, Isaiah 11:10, from the selection: Isaiah 11:10-12:2

An exegesis of this verse.

Joyful celebration of the fast. 3rd Week of Great Lent – Wednesday Matins

WHY follow the commandments? Because we will change.
Orthodox Math

The services are enthusiastic! I love to hear their enthusiasm about the living of the spiritual life, and their frequent enraptured meditation on the truths and dogmas of our faith. I hope you do too.

This hymn is one of many during the Great Fast that count this “tithe” [1] of the year as great blessing, and joy.

This attitude is a different perspective for some of us. For some, Great Lent is a time to “give up” things, and deal with inconvenience and difficulty in planning meals. …

Wisdom has built a house for herself, and set up seven pillars

St Hippolytus of Rome, On Proverbs
3rd Week of Great Lent – TUESDAY. Vespers.
Proverbs 9:1-6
Christ, he means, the wisdom and power of God the Father, hath builded His house, i.e., His nature in the flesh derived from the Virgin, even as he (John) hath said beforetime, …