The Sunday Of The Prodigal Son. How to repent in order to receive God’s forgiveness.

In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.[1] The Church gives us another example today, about repentance. It tells us another part of the story. This is the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, and is yet another Sunday that prepares us for the Great Fast. We are coming quickly… Continue reading The Sunday Of The Prodigal Son. How to repent in order to receive God’s forgiveness.


St John Chrysostom on true fasting. WORTHY TO BE READ during a fast free week!

This is a long quotation, but very profitable to read. It explains the purpose of fasting, the proper attitude towards it, its effects on our spiritual state, and how fasting not done in the right spirit is actually injurious to us.   We also see from St John’s words the reason we have a fast… Continue reading St John Chrysostom on true fasting. WORTHY TO BE READ during a fast free week!

Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs: St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory the Theologian, and St. John Chrysostom. Readings at Vespers.

Jan 30/Feb 12 2009 Today’s readings, followed by a few pastoral & personal thoughts.   The “Parables” at Vespers  Sometimes Vespers has readings appointed; they are called “parables”.  The word “parable” literally means “a placing beside or together or a comparison”. Everyone is familiar with the parables of Jesus, in which a fictional story illustrates… Continue reading Synaxis of the Three Hierarchs: St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory the Theologian, and St. John Chrysostom. Readings at Vespers.

Week of the Publican and Pharisee – TUESDAY, The “take home” message.

Today’s readings, followed by a few pastoral & personal thoughts.   Today’s readings are very complex, and hard to understand in their entirety. This should not keep us from the “take home” message.   When you read the scripture, you must be able to deal with the frustration of not understanding much of what you… Continue reading Week of the Publican and Pharisee – TUESDAY, The “take home” message.

Zacchaeus Sunday 2009. A “before” and “begining” story, to be continued…

LISTEN NOW Lots more about the Sunday of Zacchaeus:;4-9-15+luke19;1-10.doc 1st Sunday before Great Lent (Word DOC format) Sunday Of Zacchaeus 1 Tim:4-9-15, Luke 19:1-10 1999 1st Sunday before Great Lent (HTML format) Sunday Of Zacchaeus 2001 1st Sunday before Great Lent (Word DOC format) Zacchaeus Sunday 2002 1st Sunday before… Continue reading Zacchaeus Sunday 2009. A “before” and “begining” story, to be continued…

Zacchaeus Sunday – push past the press   In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.[1]     Brothers and sisters, today is Zacchaeus Sunday; it one of the five Sundays that precedes Great Lent and helps us prepare for the Great Fast.        Zacchaeus was a publican and very rich. … Continue reading Zacchaeus Sunday – push past the press


“I am building a temple!”

The following is taken from the excellent BLOG by Fr Milovan. He sometimes gleans things from other sources, and I often glean things from him! I am building a temple! January 29, 2009 H/T: ????????, Archbishop Ignaty’s blog Three builders were carrying the same exact work. -What do you do? -each of them was asked. -I… Continue reading “I am building a temple!”

Fasting cannibals

I just came across the term "fasting cannibals" and it is so descriptive that I could not resist mentioning it, although it is still more than a month before Great Lent begins. The context is not really that important – just some arguing about prospective candidates for Patriarch in Russia. For some, this is a… Continue reading Fasting cannibals

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