Joyful celebration of the fast. 3rd Week of Great Lent – Wednesday Matins

WHY follow the commandments? Because we will change.
Orthodox Math

The services are enthusiastic! I love to hear their enthusiasm about the living of the spiritual life, and their frequent enraptured meditation on the truths and dogmas of our faith. I hope you do too.

This hymn is one of many during the Great Fast that count this “tithe” [1] of the year as great blessing, and joy.

This attitude is a different perspective for some of us. For some, Great Lent is a time to “give up” things, and deal with inconvenience and difficulty in planning meals. …

Wisdom has built a house for herself, and set up seven pillars

St Hippolytus of Rome, On Proverbs
3rd Week of Great Lent – TUESDAY. Vespers.
Proverbs 9:1-6
Christ, he means, the wisdom and power of God the Father, hath builded His house, i.e., His nature in the flesh derived from the Virgin, even as he (John) hath said beforetime, …

Saint Gregory Palamas and the Healing of the paralytic borne of four. The answer to the question – Can anything good come out of Nazareth. Audio Homily

The Second Sunday of Great Lent is like a second “Triumph of Orthodoxy”, because the teachings of St Gregory Palamas are remembered. He answers the question posed last week:”Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” with resounding eloquence. The healing of the paralytic also contributes to answering this all important question, and indeed Great Lent especially, and our entire life nust be an answer to this question.

The Invisible Amalek. Typology of the Cross. 2nd Week of Great Lent – FRIDAY Matins

“Stretching out Thine hands upon the cross, O Lord, Thou hast killed the invisible Amalek and rescued thy people: therefore we sing the praises of Thy power.” Great Lent, the Second Week, Friday Matins, Ode V of the Canon

How wonderful the matins canon is! Any canon, but especially, it seems, those during Great Lent, interprets the Old Testament in the light of the New. There is a profound mix of history, typology and theology in our services, and the soul is thrilled to hear divine truths expressed in varied ways, with examples from the Old and New testaments.

Only in the light of our Lord’s passion can we understand the actions of Moses when his people fought the king Amalek: …

The Holy Eucharist and hearing the voice of God – Isaiah 6:1-12

Most people have heard or read this passage from Isaiah and understand that it refers to the Holy Mysteries. It is a prophesy of what was to come – after the incarnation of the God-man Jesus Christ, we would be fed with the bread which came down from heaven – the holy Eucharist.

As in all of Holy Scripture, true understanding is in the details. Those who have “ears to hear” listen closely, and perceive all shades of meaning. Those who do not have such ears are those whom the Lord orders Isaiah to give the message: …

The Good and Bad example of Lamech

And Lamech said … I have slain a man to the wounding of myself, and a stripling to my own bruising. Sevenfold vengeance shall be taken for Cain: but for Lamech seventy times sevenfold.

What are we to glean from this first recorded instance of Hebrew poetry? …

Evil Jealousy and false pretence. Cain kills Abel.

2nd Week of Great Lent – TUESDAY Vespers. Genesis 4:8-15

Today the scripture gives us an account of the first murder in human history. Cain murdered his brother Abel because of jealousy. … How stealthily jealousy operates! … How powerful our secrets are! …