Hummus – 3 Recipes

Three recipes for hummus, the first of which I have had at the 6th Annual Winter Retreat at St George the Great Martyr Orthodox Church (Pharr Texas, “down in the valley…”). It was fantastic.

I have not had not tasted the other recipes, but everything I had at the retreat was great, including a vegan posole that was incredible. When I am worthy to get that recipe I will share it.

Categorized as Recipes

Sunday Of The Holy Fathers, Saint John Of Kronstadt, and The Purpose Of The Incarnation, Ye shall be children of the Highest.

On this Sunday before Nativity, St John of Kronstadt is also commemorated, and the Gospel for him and his life perfectly describes the purpose of the Incarnation. This Gospel contains our Lord’s admonishments to love, using concrete examples, and concludes with the promise “And ye shall be children of the highest”. This is the purpose of the incarnation, and examining this Gospel along with St John’s life, which struggled to fulfill it illuminates this purpose for us, therefore, on this Sunday when we read the “Begats”, it is appropriate to delve into what is means to be children of the highest, and how and why we can attain this high calling. We also suggest another way to describe the “Golden Rule” and what should be our inner motivation for loving our fellow man, and doing anything that is good in this life.