7th Sunday of Pascha – Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council – sermons and questions and answers

Icon of the Fathers of the first Ecumenical council

On the first Sunday after the Ascension of the Lord, the Church prayerfully remembers the god-bearing fathers of the First Ecumenical Council.

We know from Church history that the Emperor Constantine the Great, the Equal-to-the-Apostles, called this council in 325 AD in the city of Nicea because of his care for the Christian faith.

The subject of discussion at this council was the heresy of Arius. This is the false teaching that the Son of God is not of one essence with the Father, that is that He is not one with the Father in His divine nature, but is merely the highest of His creations…. More at Homily from collection “Before the Eyes of God's Truth” by Hieromonk Methodius

When is the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council celebrated? Speculate why.

What is an ecumenical council? How many have there been? Why in general were they called? How do the Orthodox view the pronouncements of the Ecumenical councils? What was the primary reason for the 1st Ecumenical Council? When and where was it called?

Describe the pernicious heresy combated by the council. Are there any recognizable groups outside the church that still hold to this heresy?

What is the definition of eternal life that Jesus gives in the Gospel for the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First ecumenical council?

And other questions and answers at


Questions and answers for The Sunday of the Fathers of the first Ecumenical Council

Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council
John 17:1-13

Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council
What is Heaven?
John 17:1-13

Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council
The entire content ot the Christian faith is Jesus Christ.
John 17:1-13
Also in Format: mp3

Holy Fathers Of The First Ecumenical Council
Why do we commemorate the First Ecumenical Council & read the High Priestly prayer of Jesus between Ascension & Pentecost?
John 17:1-13

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