Why is this scripture read today, two Sundays before Great Lent begins? What is its meaning? What are the two critical characteristics of those who will be saved? How are we to understand the things the righteous did and the unrighteous did not do, and their identical answers to the Lord? What must we do?
If the "LISTEN NOW" link does not work, copy this URL into your browser: http://www.orthodox.net/sermons/great-lent-sunday-before-great-lent-04_2010-02-07+sunday-of-the-last-judgment-meatfare.m3u
If this file does not work for you, try the direct link to the actual mp3 file:http://www.orthodox.net/sermons/great-lent-sunday-before-great-lent-04_2010-02-07+sunday-of-the-last-judgment-meatfare.mp3
Other Homilies:
- 4th Sunday before Great Lent (mp3 format)
- 4th Sunday before Great Lent (mp3 format)
- 4th Sunday before Great Lent (mp3 format)
The Judgment Is All About Love
Matthew 25:31-46
Matthew 25:31-46

Archive of Audio and text homilies:http://www.orthodox.net/sermons
Before I could read your homily and now I have to listen to it. Now I can’t hear it because I lost my hearing. Is there a way I can get the text to read it. Thanks