Jan 8/21 2010
Fr. Matthew Williams is en route to King’s Hospital in Port au Prince, where IOCC has delivered $1m in medical supplies. It is one of the few functioning hospitals in Port au Prince and while there are many doctors, there exists a great need for experienced medical personnel to support the doctors in operating rooms and with follow up care.
Also, later this afternoon, another convoy of supplies will be arriving in Port au Prince that contains food and water purification equipment. IOCC has made arrangements for Fr. Matthew and Fr. Gregoire to meet the coordinators of this shipment so that they can link the Orthodox communities to distributions of these items.
The Fund for Assistance to ROCOR has donated 10,000 to the IOCC and 6,000 directly to our team on the ground.
FFA Executive Director
Personal note:
I am a registered nurse, but not highly trained in trauma. I have contacted the IOCC but will most likely get some trauma training and become a first responder at a later date. I have no idea where all this will lead. At this point, I am itching to get there and help with my two "skills" – nursing and the priesthood. In the meantime, as I get word of Orthodox victims, living or reposed, I will pass them on. An IOCC representative has told me that they will publish names of reposed when they get confirmation. We are obligated to pray fervently for Haiti, and especially for our suffering brethren there. In my church, this will be happening for a very long time. Priest Seraphim.