There it is! Isn’t it beautiful! I think the snow is a nice touch, but this cupola will be forced to humble itself and live in Texas. This is a picture of the cupola, which will grace the roof of our church very soon. It is taken where it was made, by Allen Figula & Daughters, Glen Hope , PA
Here is a closup of the cross:
These photos, and another are in the Flickr set:
We are trying to get local media interested in the raising of the cupola. I will let you know.
I am getting excited! The church roof is almost on, and we will be having services in the temple soon.I doubt we will make it by Great Lent (which begins Feb 2/15, but we should be in by Pascha for sure!
Glory to God! The cross is beautiful, and I know you are very excited to be so close to moving in. I remember when we (St Sava) moved into our last place just before Pascha. It was slightly crazy, but worth it. рџ™‚
This is how we should perceive our individual crosses – triumphant, victorious, shiny, immortal! Not just a heavy, “unfair” burden we are to carry.
This is how our crosses (just a comparison, of course) will look after our end of this temporary life – if we endure everything & appear to deserve the Kingdom. A triumphant symbol of the eternal life, a crown of a Christian.