Questions about St Nicholas QUESTION 1 What does the name "Nicholas" mean? QUESTION 2 St Nicholas was born in Patara, and became bishop of what place? Where is this? QUESTION 3 What was the extraordinary event that took place at the saint's baptism? QUESTION 4 St Nicholas fasted even as a baby. Describe how. QUESTION 5 St Nicholas was very zealous for the faith, so zealous that he put an arch heretic to shame, with words and deeds. Describe the event. QUESTION 6 How was St Nicholas chosen to be a bishop? QUESTION 7 St Nicholas is especially venerated by a particular category of workmen. Which? What other types of help is he known for? QUESTION 8 St Nicholas is known as a protector of captives. This stems from his numerous appearances and intercessions for prisoners and those condemned to death. To which king did he appear in a dream? Tell the circumstances. QUESTION 9 St Nicholas is remembered by the church regularly on a weekly basis. How? QUESTION 10 Where are St Nicholas' relics?