Questions about St Christina QUESTION 1 What does the name Christina mean? QUESTION 2 When is St Christina commemorated? What "rank" is her feast? QUESTION 3 Approximately when did St Christina live, and where? What was her upbringing? QUESTION 4 Because St Christina is a _______, icons of her show her holding a ______. Explain QUESTION 5 What is the Gospel reading that commemorated St Christina? Why? QUESTION 6 How did St Christina learn the Christian faith? Did she have obstacles? QUESTION 7 When was St Christina baptized? Be careful answering this one! QUESTION 8 Describe St Christina's passion. QUESTION 9 Approximately how old was St Christina when died? QUESTION 10 St Christina's relation and conflict with her parents deserves careful scrutiny, and has much to teach us. What should we learn about faith and priorities by observing St Christina as our example? What words of Christ should come to mind when we contemplate Christina's struggles with her parents (if you cannot quote them directly, just give the gist of them in a paraphrasement). This is a very important concept, which too many fail to understand, and many even fail to convert to the Orthodox faith because of problems similar to, but much less extreme than Christina's.