This saint was born into the Niksich clan in the village of Zupa of poor but devout parents, Radoje and Jacima. According to tradition, he first lived a life of asceticism in the monastery of Moraca where he was abbot. The Turks drove him out of Moraca and he settled in Rovacki, Turmanj in the place which today is called Celishte. Later, he settled in Piperi in a cell where he remained in labor and god-pleasing asceticism until his death. He died peacefully in the Lord on May 20, 1697 A.D. His relics repose there even today and with many miracles they glorify Christ the God and Stephan, God's chosen one.
Attention, men and angels,
In suffering and at the moment of death
Thalelaeus, to God, prayed:
O Lord, Creator of the world,
Yours is the mercy, Yours is the vengeance!
To You, I pray; prolong my life,
That for You, more pain I may endure.
In truth, little, have I endured,
In order to merit Your kingdom.
Horrible, Your sufferings on Golgotha,
Horrible sufferings for You, Sinless One!
To the sinners, more horrible they should be,
Through torturing, in order to cleanse oneself
And salvation, worthily receive.
What most wonderful Thalelaeus prayed for,
What he prayed for, God granted,
His petitions were dear,
God, on him, permitted sufferings abundant,
To the end, Thalelaeus endured all
All, with joy and with thanksgiving,
All from suffering to suffering he walked,
As from celebration, to an even greater celebration,
Thus, the saint glorifies Orthodoxy!
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