June 9

From the Prologue

Cyril was born and educated in Moscow of an aristocratic family. He was tonsured a monk in Simonov Monastery where he lived a life of asceticism to the amazement of the other monks. In order to conceal his virtues, he pretended insanity. He personally spoke to St. Sergius of Radonezh and received many beneficial instructions from him. Against his wishes he was elected abbot of Simonov monastery. He prayed constantly to the All-Holy Birth-giver of God to show him the way whereby he could, in silence, live a life of asceticism. One night he saw a great light and heard a voice: "Cyril, depart from here and go to the White Lake!" And indeed, he departed from the Simonov Monastery with one companion and went to the vicinity of the White Lake and there, in the dense pine forest, began to live a life of asceticism. In time, this wilderness was transformed into a large monastery. The Venerable Cyril received the great gift of miracle-working from God and cured the sick and worked many other miracles. He died in the year 1429 A.D. in his ninetieth year and took up habitation with the Lord Whom he ardently loved his entire life.



Saint Cyril, unwavering

By his faith, amazes the universe,

With the honorable Cross, the hero encompassed himself

Against the enemies of the Church, took up arms,

Against the Jews, arch-enemies of the Cross,

And attacked the Novatianists,

Who took pride in themselves

To mercy, they placed a boundary,

Condemned sinners, prior to the Judgment,

To the power of God, they denied miracles.

But Cyril, shown the most

When he rose up against Nestorius,

The destroyer of the Orthodox Faith

The blasphemer of the Mother of God,

Cyril, the Mother of God, helped,

So that he overcame every diabolical power,

Holy Church cleansed of chaff,

All with the help of the Virgin Mother of God.

Cyril was a knight of Orthodoxy,

That is why the Church glorifies Cyril

And to him, prays without ceasing,

From diabolical uprisings, to protect us,

O Cyril, star among the stars,

By your prayers, help us.

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