August 19

From the Prologue

All three were martyred for Christ during the reign of the wicked Emperor Diocletian. Timothy was burned alive and Agapius and Thecla were thrown before wild beasts.



The nature's song in the midst of Mt. Tavros

Echoed without a loud human response.

Until one day, the mountain shook,

Some new echo, through her was carried;

And the mountain, its eternal echo halted

In order to hear the new, which it had not in ages, heard.

There, the end of the brave detachment of Andrew was,

There, the wolves, the innocent lambs slaughtered;

Andrew, from the Persians, the Empire of Rome saved,

And now, against Andrew, the Roman army roar,

With two-thousand companions, Andrew to the earth knelt,

To his companions, good advice he spoke:

Now is the pleasant hour, now is the day of salvation,

From the earthly life, our separation.

On our knees humbly before God, let us kneel,

And for much good, let us warmly give thanks,

And mostly brethren, for a martyr's death

Without anger and shouting against the murderous hand.

Thus, Andrew spoke. To their knees they fell,

Two-thousand men, began to pray;

Of the bitter pursuers, swords flashing

Atop the mountain, choirs of angels shone,

The doors of Paradise, in heaven opened

For Andrew holy, the glorious Stratelates

And his army, who evil overcame

And for their Christ, shed honorable blood.

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