Russian Orthodox Christian Menaion Calendar
January 10
Saints commemorated, links to lives of Saints,
Feasts, Scripture Readings, rubrics
- Afterfeast of the Theophany.
- St. Gregory of Nyssa St. Dometian, bishop of Melitene.
- St. Marcian, presbyter of Constantinople.
- St. Paul, abbot of Obnora (Vologda), and his disciple St. Macarius, abbot of Pisma Monastery.
- Blessed Theosebia the deaconess, sister of St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory of Nyssa.
- St. Ammon, monk.
- St. Macarius of the Kiev Caves.
- Repose of Schemahieromonk Antipas of Valaam (1882).
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