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This calendar is created from the raw text derived from the calendar at It is a general resource, and is not meant to specify the exact commemorations in a particular year, and does not include the paschal cycle observance.
For a particular month and day:
I have massaged the data into a database which can be added to very easily. A single program recreates all the Menaion pages, with absolutely NO editing of any kind. The first draft of the automated Menaion database was finished in about six hours. The ROCOR Parish, Clergy and Clergy E-Mail directories, and Comprehensive Topical Orthodox Links, as well as other pages on the St Nicholas web site are also created automatically, with no hand editing of HTML, from easy to update database. The databases can be updated by someone with moderate typing skills (like me!), and require no HTML knowledge.
As I have time I intend to add to the calendar the following:
If you know of links that can be added to the Menaion, please send me a note with the Date of the Commemoration, the Saint or Feast, and the URLs of all the links, preferably with the title of the Page. If we utilize the Internet community, we will have an incredibly useful reference, in a short time.
I am an expert at manipulating data, in relational databases, spreadsheets, or other text form, and creating World Wide Web Content and applications automatically. I currently have a full time software job. I want to support my family using my programming skills, (which include HTML, JavaScript, C, Perl, Tcl, and SQL) at home in order to devote more time to my pastoral work. If you have data which you want to get on the web, or other ideas, and need programming expertise, please contact me, so we can discuss your needs.
Priest Seraphim Holland
Office: 972 519-4909
Home: 972 529-2754
Address: 2102 Summit Dr., McKinney, TX 75071