On-Line Periodicals

ARTICLES - Theotokos

FEASTDAYS AND SERVICES TO THE THEOTOKOS Presentation Given Bishop Demetri At the First Biennial Antiochian Archdiocese Clergy Symposium, Chicago, IL July 1978

An excellent essay, which explains in detail the feasts of the Theotokos and the major occasional services (the Akathist and Paraclesis) in a historical and liturgical context. The traditional and pious tone of the essay may be determined by the following paragraph in the conclusion:

"In conclusion, the services devoted to the Theotokos should be fostered more in our Orthodox parishes. In America we are bombarded with propaganda from the now very popular extremist Protestant sects who aim at the destruction of devotion to the Theotokos and the saints. The post-Vatican II coolness to this devotion among Roman Catholics also emphasizes the duty of the Orthodox to keep warm that faith and those practices that the heterodox and a non-believing world have abandoned. Their faith in Christ as a result of this has grown cold and legalistic. They have failed to remember that Mary is the theological keystone in the Church’s understanding of the person and work of Our Lord Jesus Christ. They have forgotten that, in order to understand just who and what Christ is, they must also figure Mary’s role in salvation history. They have forgotten that she was the model Christian, the Archetype of the Christian Church."

This editor takes exception to the Bishop's opinions about certain so-called "legends" but this is a minor point.

St. Nicolai of Zhicha On the Our Father:

Miscellaneous Orthodox Teaching


  • A large portion of this excellent book online
    The Russian Orthodox Church as an "Empire-Saving” Institution
    John B. Dunlop
    What About Cremation?
    The Moscow Patriarchate and the Royal Family
    November, 1996
    Cyprian [A.D. 200-258] on Celebrating the memory of the Saints
    The Glorification of God-Pleasers - a Sermon by Archbishop John Maximovich
    Parish Life July, 1994

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