Gleanings from Orthodox Christian Authors and the Holy Fathers


5 Entries

Why do we not see even now that the simple and guileless enjoy the common esteem of all? No one envies such a person when he is in prosperity, no one tramples on him when he is in adversity, but all rejoice with him when he does well, and grieve with him in misfortune. On the other hand, whenever a bitter man prospers, one and all lament it, as though some evil thing had happened. Jacob was a guileless man, yet he overcame the treacherous Esau. 'For wisdom enters not a wicked soul' (Wisdom 1:4). St. John Chrysostom

Hold faith and humility fast within you; for through them you will find mercy, help, and words spoken by God in the heart, along with a protector who stands beside you both secretly and manifestly. Do you wish to obtain these things, which are a fountain of life? From the very onset take hold of simplicity. Walk before God in simplicity and not with knowledge. Simplicity is attended by faith; but subtle and intricate deliberations, by conceit; and conceit is attended by separation from God. The Ascetical Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian.

Let all of us who wish to attract the Lord to ourselves draw near to Him as disciples to the Master, simply, without hypocrisy, without duplicity or guile, not out of idle curiosity. He Himself is simple and not composite, and He wants souls that come to Him to be simple and guileless. For you will surely never see simplicity bereft of humility. St. John Climacus, "The Ladder of Divine Ascent," (Boston: Holy Transfiguration Monastery, 1978), STEP 24: On Meekness, Simplicity, and Guilelessness Which Come Not From Nature but From Conscious Effort, and About Guile

Walk before God in simplicity, and not in subtleties of the mind. Simplicity brings faith; but subtle and intricate speculations bring conceit; and conceit brings withdrawal from God. St. Isaac of Syria

A person can be raised up above the earth by two wings, one is simplicity and the other is purity of heart. You must be simple in your actions and pure in your thoughts and feelings. With a pure heart you'll seek God and with simplicity you'll find Him and be glad. A pure heart passes through Heavens gate with ease. Elder Amphilochios Makris -

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