But besides the wonderful and ineffable sight of Christ's glory, something else was done, useful and necessary for the confirmation of their faith in Him: and not for the disciples only, but even for us too. For a voice was given forth from the cloud above, as from God the Father, saying: 'This is My beloved son, hear Him.' And when there was the voice, it says, 'Jesus was found alone.' What then will he who is disputatious and disobedient, and whose heart is incurable, say to these things? Lo! Moses is there, and does the Father command the holy apostles to hear him? Had it been His will that they should follow the commandments of Moses, He would have said, I suppose, Obey Moses; keep the law. But this is not what God the Father here said, but in the presence of Moses and the prophets, He commands them rather to hear Him. And that the truth might not be subverted by any, affirming that the Father rather bade them hear Moses, and not Christ the Savior of us all, the Evangelist! has clearly marked it, saying, 'When there was the voice, Jesus was found alone.' When, therefore, God the Father, from the cloud overhead, commanded the holy apostles, saying, 'Hear Him' Moses was far away, and Elias too was no longer nigh; but Christ was there alone. Him, therefore He commanded them to obey. Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke by St. Cyril of Alexandria
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