Gleanings from Orthodox Christian Authors and the Holy Fathers
6 Entries
Be strict to your own self, and lenient to others.
REF:Archimandrite Joel Giannakopoulos +1966
Love Christ, have humility, prayer and patience…
REF:Elder Amphilochios of Patmos +1970
Seek, my child, the nobility of the soul, for it is truth; that of the body is false. Do not seek honor from men, for this injures one; but rather, seek heavenly glory . . . . Thou art to be sympathetic with all the brethren and help them as much as possible; and, thou art to minister unto them that are unable or weak. Do not desire to live by another's labors . . . . Never ridicule anyone, and especially when they are in misfortune. When thou wilt hear that a certain brother is disorderly, supplicate God to correct his life. Visit and help the sick, and serve the brethren as their servant; so thou might be a friend of Christ Who, for thy sake, became a servant and minister. Always heed, my child, not to fall into temptations. However, if it happens that thou shouldst fall, straightway, rise up and amend thyself with repentance, and again hasten to prayer. In this manner, live thy life, my child, and God shall always hearken to thee and help thee in soul and body.
St. Theodora of Alexandria, "The Lives of the Spiritual Mothers: An Orthodox Materikon of Women Monastics and Ascetics," (Buena Vista, Colorado: Holy Apostles Convent, 1991), p. 597
Someone asked Abba Anthony, "What must one do in order to please God?" The old man replied, "Pay attention to what I tell you: Whoever you may be, always have God before your eyes. Whatever you do, do it according to the testimony of the Holy Scriptures. In whatever place you live, do not easily leave it. Keep these three precepts and you will be saved."
Athanasius, Life of St. Anthony, 17
…You feel the desire to come closer to God and to receive salvation. In this lies the duty of every Christian, but it is something to be attained by obedience to the commandments of God. They all consist of love for God and for one’s neighbor and extend to love of one’s enemies. Read the Gospels. There you will find the way, the truth and the life. Preserve the Orthodox Faith and follow the rules of the Holy Church, study the writings of the Church Fathers and Teachers, and arrange your life according to their teachings. However, rules of prayer alone cannot be of benefit to us… I recommend that you strive as much as possible to pay attention to the matter of love for your neighbors: your matushka, your wife and your children (seeing that they be brought up in the Orthodox Faith and good moral order), your subordinates, and all of your neighbors. The Holy Apostle Paul, in enumerating the various manifestations of virtues and spiritual struggles of self-denial says, “If I should do such and such, and I have not love, it profiteth me nothing.”
Counsels of Venerable St. Makary (Ivanov) of Optina
63. Again, grace may be bidden in advice given by a neighbor. Sometimes it also accompanies our understanding during reading, and as a natural result teaches our intellect the truth about itself. If, then, we do not hide the talent given to us in this way, we shall enter actively into the joy of the Lord.
REF:Saint Kosmas Aitolos +1779