The explanations of Christ’s resurrection, His appearance to His disciples, the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit, their witnessing of Christ’s ascension and His second coming. | 1 |
Peter talks to the believers about the death and rejection of Judas. | 2 |
Through prayers and the casting of lots Matthias is elected to be among the Twelve. | 2.1 |
The Holy Spirit descends on the believers at Pentecost. | 3 |
Peter explains this (phenomenon) by citing the prophets. | 3.1 |
About the sufferings, resurrection and ascension of Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit. | 3.2 |
About the faith of those present and their salvation through baptism. | 3.3 |
About fellowship, beneficial communion and increasing numbers of the believers. | 3.4 |
In the name of Christ Peter heals a man crippled from birth and talks to the onlookers about the proof of God’s grace for their salvation. | 4 |
The priests, envious of what has taken place, recognize the miracle. Peter declares the power and grace of Jesus Christ. | 4.1 |
The priests command the Apostles not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus, and let them go. | 4.2 |
The prayer about the church and the Apostles suffering in faith. | 4.3 |
All the believers are one in heart and mind. | 5 |
Ananias and Sapphira and their evil death. | 5.1 |
The Apostles are thrown into the public jail. An angel of the Lord brings them out and instructs them to preach about Jesus. | 6 |
Their second arrest by the priests. The Apostles are forbidden to preach in the name of Jesus, are flogged and let go. | 6.1 |
Gamaliel in his wisdom argues in favor of the Apostles citing some precedents and giving other reasons. | 6.2 |
The choosing of the seven deacons. | 7 |
Stephen opposed and calumniated by the Jews, his speech about God’s covenant with Abraham and the twelve patriarchs. | 8 |
About the famine, the recognition of Jacob’s sons, the promise to Moses and his vision near Mount Sinai. | 8.1 |
From the Exodus of Israel and the making of the golden calf to the age of Solomon and his Temple. | 8.2 |
Stephen declares the glory of Jesus Christ that he sees and is stoned to death. | 8.3 |
Saul persecutes the church. Stephen is buried. | 9 |
Philip heals many in Samaria. | 9.1 |
Simon the sorcerer believed and was baptized and many other people with him. | 10 |
Peter and John are sent to Samaria and those baptized receive the Holy Spirit. | 10.1 |
The communion of the Holy Spirit is given to the holy and not to hypocrites or for money. | 11 |
About Simon’s hypocrisy and his deceitful intent. | 11.1 |
God grants salvation to the virtuous and faithful as is evident from the conversation with the (Ethiopian) officia | 1.12 |
God summons Paul from Heaven to become the Apostle of Christ. | 13 |
The Lord instructs Ananias to baptize and heal Paul. Ananias’ initial dissent: Barnabas introduces Paul to other Apostles. | 13.1 |
In Lydda Peter heals Aeneas the paralytic. | 14 |
In Joppa Peter prays and raises from the dead Tabitha, who looked after the widows. | 14.1 |
An angel speaks to Cornelius; the vision reveals to Peter the calling of the Gentiles. | 15 |
Peter is invited to visit Cornelius. | 15.1 |
Cornelius relates what the angel had told him. | 15.2 |
Peter talks to the Gentiles about Christ and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. | 15.3 |
Peter explains his actions to other Apostles who argued against him. | 16 |
Peter sends Barnabas to Antioch to join the brethren. | 16.1 |
Agabus predicts a severe famine in the Roman world. The church of Antioch assists brethren from other churches. | 17 |
Herod orders James to be put to death. | 18 |
Peter is imprisoned by Herod; an angel of the Lord leads Peter out of prison. Peter meets the faithful at night and then leaves for another place. | 18.1 |
Prison guards are executed; Herod struck down by the Lord. . | 18.2 |
The Holy Spirit sends Paul and Barnabas to Cyprus; their actions against Elymas the sorcerer. | 19 |
Paul brilliantly preaches about Christ, drawing upon the Law and the Prophets. | 20 |
Proof from the Scriptures. | 20.1 |
They turn to the Gentiles and are persecuted by the Jews. Departure to Iconium. | 20.2 |
Christ preached in Iconium. A great number (of Jews and Gentiles) believed. The Apostles flee from Iconium. | 21 |
In Lystra Paul heals a man who was lame from birth and the Lycaonians believe that they are gods. | 22 |
The Apostles are stoned by the inhabitants. | 22.1 |
The Apostles consider and decide that the faithful from the Gentiles need not be circumcised. | 23 |
A letter to Gentiles about the abstentions. | 23.1 |
Paul and Barnabas have a sharp disagreement over Mark. | 23.2 |
Timothy joins Paul. After a vision Paul departs for Macedonia. | 24 |
A Jewish woman, the worshipper of God, is saved. A slave girl, who had a spirit by which she predicted the future, is healed. Because of that her masters beat Paul. | 24.1 |
About the earthquake and a miracle. The jailer and his whole family believe and are baptized. | 24.2 |
The magistrates come to appease the Apostles and escort them out of prison. | 24.3 |
Preaching in Thessalonica resulted in riots. Paul leaves for Berea and Athens. | 25 |
About an altar inscription in Athens and preaching to the philosophers and about Paul’s piety. | 26 |
Aquila and Priscilla. The Corinthians hostile to Paul. Further preaching and Paul’s vision. | 27.1 |
Crispus, the synagogue ruler, and some other Corinthians believe and are baptized. | 27.2 |
The persecution in Corinth and Paul’s departure for Ephesus. Apollos, a man eloquent and faithful. | 27.3 |
About baptism and the gifts of the Holy Spirit bestowed by Paul on some disciples in Ephesus. Paul cures people’s illnesses. | 28 |
The sons of Sceva those unworthy and unbelievers should not imitate the faithful. The believers proclaim their faith. | 28.1 |
Silversmith Demetrius incites a riot against the Apostles in Ephesus. | 28.2 |
Paul’s travels. | 29 |
Eutychus raised from the dead in Troas. Paul’s pastoral instructions to the Ephesian Elders. | 29.1 |
Paul sails from Ephesus to Caesarea in Palestine. | 29.2 |
Prophet Agabus predicts Paul’s fate in Jerusalem. | 30 |
James informs Paul that the Jews think Paul does not want them to be circumcised. | 31 |
Violence against Paul by the Jews. He is rescued by a Roman cohort commander. | 32 |
Paul narrates what had happened to him and his calling as an Apostle. | 32.1 |
About Ananias praying for Paul in Damascus and the voice of the Lord speaking to him at the temple. | 32.2 |
Paul is to be flogged but declares himself a Roman citizen and is released | 32.3 |
Paul brought before the Sanhedrin and declares himself a Jew. | 33 |
The Jews form a conspiracy against Paul but Lysias is surreptitiously informed about it. | 34 |
Paul is sent under guard to the Governor of Caesarea with an accompanying letter. | 34.1 |
Tertullus brings charges against Paul before the Governor and Paul refutes those charges. | 35 |
Felix is succeeded by Festus who interrogates Paul and holds him in Caesarea. | 36 |
Agrippa and Bernice arrive in Caesarea and discuss Paul’s case (with Festus). | 37 |
Paul presents his case to Agrippa and is exonerated | 37.1 |
Agrippa tells Festus that Paul has not offended the Jews in any way. | 37.2 |
Paul’s trip to Rome is full of many great hardships. | 38 |
Paul urges his companions to be courageous and no one of them will be lost. | 38.1 |
Paul shipwrecked on the island of Malta and his many miracles there. | 38.2 |
Paul’s trip from Malta to Rome. | 39 |
At Rome Paul preaches to the Jews. | 40 |
There are altogether 40 (black) subject headings and 35 (red) sub-headings in the history of the Acts of the Apostles.
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