This Week's Services

The Sisterhood at St Nicholas in McKinney is excited to share information for our upcoming series: The Proverbs 31 Kitchen as a fundraiser for our Building Fund. In these lecture and hands-on classes, we will learn how to rely on and use the resources God has blessed us with to nourish our bodies well and take care of our people. Topics include: herbal healing, fermenting foods, tips for how to get quality food while not breaking the bank, small t and big T Orthodox traditions as well as SO much more.

Our first class titled Homemade Herbal Remedies will be on June 22 from 10 am - 12 pm. Tickets are $50 in advance and $60 at the door, and the first 10 participant will recipe a free bottle of elderberry syrup.

Please sign up here

Thank you, Natalie King

Welcome to Saint Nicholas!

We are in McKinney Texas, about 20 miles north of Dallas. We are diverse community of Orthodox Christians from all parts of the globe. Some of us are emigres from Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Bulgaria and other Orthodox nations, while others are American converts to Orthodoxy. We have all found the "Pearl of great price" in the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Eastern Orthodox Christian Church, and we hope that this web page will give you (in English and some Russian) a taste of our beliefs, dogmas, doctrines and way of life.

The Divine Liturgy and other services are performed in English, with some things added in Church Slavonic. We gladly welcome visitors and inquirers and always have a complimentary meal on Sunday to get acquainted.

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