Prayers to St Symeon the God-Reciever

Feb 3

Prayer 1

For All Orthodox Christians

O great Saint of God, and God-Receiver, Symeon!

Standing before the throne of our great King and God, Jesus Christ, thou hast great boldness in

approaching Him, Who deigned to be borne in thine arms for our salvation.

Therefore we have refuge to thee, as to an intercessor who can avail much, and one offering mighty prayers for us, sinful and unworthy though we be.

Entreat His goodness, that He might turn away from us His anger, rightfully moved against us according to our deeds; and, overlooking our countless sins, might set us on the path of repentance and confirm us in the way of His commandments.

By thy prayers, guard our life in peace, and ask for us Godspeed in all good things, bestowing upon us all that is

needful unto life and devotion.

And as thou didst once deliver Novgorod the Great by the appearance of thy miraculous icon, from a deadly plague, so now deliver all our cities and towns from all assault and from troubles and needless mortality by thine intercession, and defend us by thy protection against all enemies visible and invisible.

Preserve the Orthodox Christians in peace, so that we may lead a quiet and untroubled life in all devotion and purity, and, having spent this passing life in peace, we may attain unto eternal peace, being granted the heavenly Kingdom of Christ our God, to Whom belongeth glory, together with His Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer II

For Those Leading a Monastic Life in a Monastery.

O great Saint of God, and God-Receiver, Symeon!

Hearken unto us sinners who make our prayer unto thee, and fall down before thy holy icon, and despite our many sins take not thy protection from this hermitage, where thine image abideth, glorified from times of old for signs and wonders; but keep this place firm and unshaken from all enemies visible and invisible, and from all assaults and troubles keep it unharmed.

Be a good helper unto all who here live devoutly and who labour well, and deliver us from infirmities and hunger, from floods and conflagion, from needless mortality and deadly pestilence, and from all manner of evil.

Drive far from us the spiritual wolf and destroyer of souls, who seeketh to devour us and take our souls down to hell; preserve us from worldly temptations and enticements, and from vain amusements that corrupt the soul.

Confirm our hearts in humility, meekness, obedience, silence, restraint, patience, forgetfulness of injuries, and love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord; and in every good work, and strengthen us in our monastic endeavours.

And, as a good shepherd, keep all of the spiritual flock of Christ's pasture that are gathered in thy fold, so that, having lived devoutly in this hermitage here on earth, we may depart in peace to those heavenly habitations where throngs of the righteous and holy together with thee, unceasingly glorify the most holy and blessed name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, for ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer III

For One Person Who Is In Sorrow

O great Saint of God and God-Receiver, Symeon!

Look down upon me a sinner, who fall down before thy holy icon and ask thy defense and help.

For sorrow overcometh me, because of my many troubles and ills, and I have no consolation for my suffering soul. For I have sought help from men, and it was not to be found.

I have cried out to the Lord and He heard me not, for I had angered His most pure goodness by my iniquities, and by the multitude of my sins I offended His merciful loving-kindness.

And who shall now shew me help? Who shall soothe my sorrow? Who shall give my troubled sould joy and calmness?

It is to thee, O great Saint of God, that I a sinner and unworthy one have recourse, for thou hast great boldness

before Christ our God and art a powerful intercessor for all that come with faith to ask thy protection and aid.

Pray, therefore, to the merciful God, that, having forgiven my countless transgressions, He turn not His

mercy from me, but as One good and compassionate shew even unto me His loving kindness, and in the midst of my bitter trials and tribulations grant me His almighty help, and bestow upon my grieving soul His forgiveness, peace, confirmation, consolation and tranquillity.

Yea, O great Saint of God, raise up thy God-bearing arms in prayer to Him that was once borne in them for our sakes, Christ our God, and entreat His goodness, that he cast not away the prayer of my heart because of mine unworthiness, but rather shew me in good time His mercy, unto the glory of His endless kindness and thy mighty intercession, for which belongeth to Him all glory and thanksgiving, together with His Father and All-holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Provided y Fr John Shaw, via email