Prayer to St Panteleimon the Great Martyr and Unmercenary
July 27 / Aug 9
Holy Great-Martyr and Healer Panteleimon,
thou imitator of God's mercy!
Look down in thy loving kindness and hearken unto us, sinners,
who offer heartfelt prayers before thy holy icon.
Ask for us from the Lord God,
before Whom the Angels stand in heaven,
remission of our sins and transgressions.
Heal the ills of body and soul of the servants of God whom we here commemorate,
who are here present,
and of all Orthodox Christians who seek thy help.
For behold, we, who because of our sins are possessed by bitter
ills and have no help or consolation,
yet flee to thee for refuge, since thou hast been given Grace to pray for us and to heal every ill and every
Grant, therefore, to all of us, by thy holy prayers,
health and strength of soul and body,
a good growth in the Faith and in devotion,
and all that is needful unto this temporal life and unto our salvation:
So that, having been granted great and rich mercy thorugh thee,
we may glorify thee and Him that bestoweth all good things,
our God Who is wondrous in His Saints,
the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
From "Polny Sbornik Molitv", pp. 214-215: Prayer 3.
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