The Canons for Holy Communion
Eirmos: In the deep of old the infinite Power overwhelmed Pharaoh's whole army. But the incarnate Word annihilated pernicious sin. Exceedingly glorious is the Lord, for gloriously hath he been glorified.
To our Lord Jesus Christ:
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
Troparia: Sweetest Jesus Christ, long-suffering Jesus, heal the wounds of my soul, Jesus, and make sweet my heart, O Greatly-Merciful One, I pray Thee, Jesus my Saviour, that being saved by Thee, I may magnify Thee.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
Sweetest Jesus Christ, Jesus, open to me the door of repentance, O Jesus, Lover of mankind, and accept me, O Jesus my Saviour, as I fall down before Thee and fervently implore the forgiveness of my sins.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
Sweetest Jesus Christ, Jesus, snatch me from the hand of deceitful Belial, O Jesus, and make me stand at the right of Thy glory, O Jesus my Saviour, delivering me from the lot of those on the left.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
O Lady who gavest birth to Jesus our God, pray for us worthless slaves, that by thy prayers, O immaculate one, we who are defiled may be delivered from torment, O spotless one, and enjoy everlasting glory.
To the Theotokos:
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Distressed by many temptations, I flee to thee, seeking salvation. O Mother of the Word, and Virgin, from ordeals and afflictions deliver me.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Outbursts of passions trouble me and fill my soul with great despondency. Calm it, O Maiden, by the peace of thy Son and God, O all blameless one.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
I implore thee who gavest birth to the Saviour and God, O Virgin, to deliver me from perils. For to thee I now flee, lifting up my mind and soul.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Sick in body and soul, vouchsafe me the divine visitation, and thy care, O thou who alone art the Mother of God, for thou art good and the Mother of the Good.
To the Guardian Angel:
O Jesus. Son of God, have mercy onus.
Vouchsafe me, Thy servant, O Saviour, worthily to sing a song and to praise the fleshless Angel, my guide and guardian.
Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, pray to God for me.
I lay alone in folly and idleness, O my guide and guardian; forsake not me who am perishing.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
Direct my mind by thy prayer to fulfil the commandments of God, that I may receive from God remission of sins, and teach me to hate all wickedness, I pray thee.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: With my guardian angel, O Virgin, pray for me thy servant to the Bountiful One, and teach me to fulfill the commandments of thy Son and my Creator.
Eirmos: By establishing me on the rock of faith, Thou hast enlarged my mouth over mine enemies, and my spirit rejoiceth when I sing: There is none holy as our God, and none righteous beside Thee, O Lord.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
Troparia: Hearken, O my Jesus, Lover of mankind, unto Thy servant calling with compunction; and deliver me, O Jesus, from condemnation and torment, O only long-suffering sweetest Jesus, plenteous in mercy.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
Receive Thy servant, O my Jesus, who falleth down with tears, O my Jesus, and save me as one repentant, O my Jesus, delivering me from Gehenna, O Master, sweetest Jesus, plenteous in mercy.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
O my Jesus, the time Thou gavest me I have squandered in passions, O my Jesus. Reject me not, O my Jesus, but call me, I pray, O Master, Sweetest Jesus, and save me!
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Theotokion: O Virgin who gavest birth to my Jesus, implore Him to deliver me from Gehenna. Thou alone art the protectress of the afflicted, O thou who art full of Divine grace. And vouchsafe me the life that ageth not, O all-blameless one.
To the Theotokos:
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
I have chosen thee to be the protection and intercession of my life, O Virgin, Mother of God. Guide me to thy haven, O cause of all blessings, O support of the faithful, O only all-lauded one.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
I pray thee, O Virgin, to dispel the tumult of my soul and the storm of my grief; for thou, O Bride of God, hast given birth to Christ, the Prince of Peace, O only immaculate one.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Since thou broughtest forth Him who is the Benefactor and Cause of good, from the wealth of thy loving-kindness do thou pour forth on all; for thou canst do all things, being one mighty in power, for thou gavest birth to Christ; blessed of God art thou.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
I am tortured by grievous sicknesses and morbid passions: O Virgin, help me! For I know thee to be the inexhaustible, unfailing treasury of healings, O all-blameless one.
To the Guardian Angel:
Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, pray to God for me.
All my thoughts and my soul I have committed to thee, O my guardian; do thou deliver me from all attacks of the enemy.
Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, pray to God for me.
The enemy troubleth and trampleth on me, and teacheth me always to do his will, but do thou, O my guide, forsake not me who am perishing.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Grant me to sing with thanksgiving and fervour to my Creator and God, and to thee my good angel guardian: O my deliverer, rescue me from foes that trouble me.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: Heal, O immaculate one, the most painful wounds of my soul, and drive away the enemies ever fighting against me.
Lord hare mercy (thrice) .
Sedalen: O Jesus my Saviour, Thou didst save the prodigal. Jesus my Saviour, Thou didst accept the harlot. And now have mercy on me, O Jesus plenteous in mercy; have compassion and save me, O Jesus my Benefactor, as Thou hadst compassion on Manasseh, my Jesus, only Lover of mankind.
Kontakion: Have compassion on me, O holy Angel of the Lord, my guardian, and leave me not, impure as I am, but irradiate me with the Divine Light, and make me worthy of the heavenly kingdom.
Ekos: Grant my soul, humiliated by many temptations, the ineffable heavenly glory, O holy intercessor and singer with the choirs of the fleshless hosts of God. Have mercy and keep me, and illumine my soul with good thoughts, that I may be enriched by thy glory, O my Angel, subdue my foes who wish me evil, and make me worthy of the heavenly kingdom.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Sedalen: From the love of my soul I cry to thee, O guardian of my soul, my most holy Angel! Protect and guard me always from the hunting of the evil one, and guide me to the heavenly life, teaching and enlightening and strengthening me.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
Theotokion: O protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame, O mediation unto the Creator unfailing, disdain not the suppliant voices of sinners; but be thou quick, O good one, to help us who in faith cry unto thee: Hasten to intercession and speed thou to make supplication, thou who dost ever protect, O Theotokos, them that honour thee.
Eirmos: From a virgin didst Thou come, not as an ambassador, nor as an Angel, hut the very Lord Himself incarnate, and didst save me, the whole man. Wherefore I cry to Thee: Glory to Thy power, O Lord.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
Heal, O my Jesus, the wounds of my soul, O my Jesus, I pray, and snatch me from the hand of soul-corrupting Belial, O my compassionate Jesus, and save me.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
I have sinned, O my sweetest Jesus; O compassionate one, O my Jesus, save me who flee to Thy protection, O long-suffering Jesus, and vouchsafe me Thy kingdom.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
No one hath sinned, O my Jesus, as have I, the wretched one; but now I fall down praying: Save me, O my Jesus, and grant me life, O my Jesus.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
O all-hymned one, who gavest birth to the Lord Jesus, implore Him to deliver from torment all who hymn thee and call thee truly the Theotokos.
To the Theotokos:
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
O thou who gavest birth to the Lord Pilot, still the storm of my sins, and the turmoil of my passions, O Bride of God.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
I call upon the abyss of thy compassion grant it me, for thou didst give birth to the kindhearted One and Saviour of all that hymn thee.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
While delighting in thy gifts, O most-pure one, we sing a song of thanksgiving to thee, knowing thee to be the Mother of God.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
As I lie on the bed of my pain and sickness, do thou help me, for thou art a lover of goodness, O only Ever-Virgin Theotokos.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Having thee, O all-hymned one, as our hope and support and unshakable wall of salvation, we are delivered from every adversity.
To the Guardian Angel:
Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, pray to God for me.
Pray to God the Lover of mankind, and forsake me not, O my guardian, but ever keep my life in peace, and grant me the invincible salvation.
Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, pray to God for me.
As the defender and guardian of my life I received thee from God, O Angel. I pray thee, O holy one, free me from all harm.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Cleanse my foulness by thy holiness, O my guardian, and may I be drawn from the left side by thy prayers, and become a partaker of glory.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen
Perplexity confronteth me from the evil surrounding me, O most pure one, but deliver me from it speedily, for I flee only to thee.
Eirmos: O Thou Who art the Light of those lying in darkness, and the salvation of the desparing, O Christ my Saviour, I rise early to pray to Thee, O King of Peace. Enlighten me with Thy radiance, for I know none other God beside Thee.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
Thou art the light of my mind, O my Jesus; Thou art the salvation of my despairing soul, O Saviour. O my Jesus, do Thou deliver me from torment and Gehenna, as I cry: Save me, the wretched one, O Christ my Jesus.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
Utterly cast down to shameful passions, O my Jesus, I now cry: Stretch down to me a helping hand, O my Jesus, and pluck me out as I cry: Save me, the wretched one, O Christ my Jesus.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
Carving about a mind defiled, I call to Thee, O Jesus: Cleanse me from the dirt of sin, and redeem me who slipped down to the depths of evil through ignorance, and save me, O Saviour my Jesus, I pray.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
O Maiden Mother of God, who gavest birth to Jesus, implore Him to save all Orthodox monastics and laity, and to deliver from Gehenna those who cry: Beside thee we know no certain protection.
To the Theotokos:
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Fill my heart with gladness, O pure one, by giving me thine incorruptible joy, O thou who didst bear the Cause of gladness.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Deliver us from dangers, O pure Theotokos, who didst give birth to Eternal Redemption and the Peace that doth surpass all understanding.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Dispel the darkness of my sins, O Bride of God, by the radiance of thy splendour, for thou hast given birth to the Divine and Pre-eternal Light.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Heal, O pure one, the infirmity of my soul, when thou hast deemed me worthy of thy visitation, and grant me health by thine intercessions.
To the Guardian Angel:
Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, pray to God for me.
As thou hast boldness toward God, O my holy guardian, pray Him to deliver me from the evils that afflict me.
Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, pray to God for me.
O radiant light, make radiant my soul, () my guide and guardian Angel, given me by God.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Keep me awake who sleep from the burden of my sins, O Angel of God, and by thy prayers raise me up to glorify Him.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
O Lady Mary, Theotokos unwedded, O hope of the faithful, subdue the attacks of the enemy, and gladden them that hymn thee.
Eirmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I appeal to the unfathomable abyss of Thy compassion: From corruption raise me up, O God.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
O my Jesus Christ plenteous in mercy, accept me who confess my sins, O Master, and save me, O Jesus, and snatch me from corruption, O Jesus.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
O my Jesus, no one else hath been so prodigal as I, the wretched one, O Jesus Lover of mankind, but do Thou Thyself save me, O Jesus.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
O my Jesus, with my passions I have surpassed the harlot and the prodigal, Manasseh and the publican, O my Jesus, and the robber and the Ninevites, O Jesus.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
O thou who didst give birth to my Jesus Christ, O only undefiled and immaculate Virgin: Cleanse me now, the defiled one, by the hyssop of thine intercessions.
To the Theotokos:
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
O Virgin, implore thy Son and Lord Who from death and corruption hath saved my nature, captured by corruption and death, by giving Himself to death, to deliver me from the enemies' wickedness.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
I know thee as the intercessor and safest guardian of my life, O Virgin, who puttest a stop to the swarm of temptations and drivest away the demonic assault; and I pray always: From the corruption of my passions, deliver me.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
We have thee as a wall of refuge and the perfect salvation of our souls and release from our afflictions, O Maiden, and we ever rejoice in thy light. O Sovereign Lady, save us now from passions and dangers.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Now I lie on a bed of infirmities, and there is no healing for my flesh; but I pray to thee, O good one who gavest birth to God and the Saviour of the world and the Healer of sicknesses: From the corruption of illness raise me up.
To the Guardian Angel:
Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, pray to God for me.
Deliver me from every misfortune and save me from sorrow, I pray, O holy Angel, given to me as my good guardian by God.
Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, pray to God for me.
Enlighten my mind, O good one, and illumine me, I pray thee, O holy Angel, and teach me to think always profitably.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
Calm my heart from present disturbance, and strengthen me to be vigilant in good, O my guardian, and guide me miraculously in quietness of life.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
The Theotokion: The Word of God dwelt in thee, O Theotokos, and showed thee to men as the heavenly ladder. For by thee the Most High descended to us.
Then we say The Akathist to Sweetest Jesus which follows, or The Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos, which follows it.
If there be a great feast, and it have its own Akathist, we may say that Akathist instead.
Akathist to our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ
Kontakion 1
O Champion Leader and Lord, Vanquisher of hades, I, Thy creature and servant, offer Thee songs of praise, for Thou hast delivered me from eternal death; but as Thou hast unutterable loving-kindness, free me from every danger, as I cry:
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Ekos 1
Creator of Angels and Lord of Hosts! As of old Thou didst open ear and tongue to the deaf and dumb, likewise open now my perplexed mind and tongue to the praise of Thy Most Holy Name, that I may cry to Thee:
Jesus, Most Wonderful, Angels' Astonishment!
Jesus, Most Powerful, Forefathers' Deliverance!
Jesus, Most Sweet, Patriarchs' Exaltation!
Jesus, Most Glorious, Kings' Stronghold!
Jesus, Most Beloved, Prophets' Fulfillment!
Jesus, Most Marvelous, Martyrs' Strength!
Jesus, Most Peaceful, Monks' Joy!
Jesus, Most Gracious, Presbyters' Sweetness!
Jesus, Most Merciful, Fasters' Abstinence!
Jesus, Most Tender, Saints' Rejoicing!
Jesus, Most Honourable, Virgins' Chastity!
Jesus, Everlasting, Sinners' Salvation!
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Kontakion 2
As when seeing the widow weeping bitterly, O Lord, Thou wast moved with pity, and didst raise her son from the dead as he was being carried to burial, likewise have pity on me, O Lover of mankind, and raise my soul, deadened by sins, as I cry: Alleluia!
Ekos 2
Seeking to understand the incomprehensible, Philip asked: "Lord, show us the Father," and Thou didst answer him: "Have I been so long with you and yet hast thou not known that I am in the Father and the Father in Me?" Likewise, O Inconceivable One, with fear I cry to Thee:
Jesus, Eternal God!
Jesus, All-Powerful King!
Jesus, Long-suffering Master!
Jesus, All-Merciful Saviour!
Jesus, my gracious Guardian!
Jesus, cleanse my sins!
Jesus, take away mine iniquities!
Jesus, pardon mine unrighteousness!
Jesus, my Hope, forsake me not!
Jesus, my Helper, reject me not!
Jesus, my Creator, forget me not!
Jesus, my Shepherd, destroy me not!
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Kontakion 3
Thou Who didst endue with power from on high Thine Apostles who tarried in Jerusalem, O Jesus, clothe also me, stripped bare of all good work, with the warmth of Thy Holy Spirit, and grant that with love I may sing to Thee: Alleluia!
Ekos 3
In the abundance of Thy mercy, O Jesus, Thou hast called publicans and sinners and infidels. Now disdain me not who am like them, but as precious myrrh accept this song:
Jesus, Invincible Power!
Jesus, Infinite Mercy!
Jesus, Radiant Beauty!
Jesus, Unspeakable Love!
Jesus, Son of the Living God!
Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner!
Jesus, hear me who was conceived in iniquity!
Jesus, cleanse me who was born in sin!
Jesus, teach me who am worthless!
Jesus, enlighten my darkness!
Jesus, purify me who am unclean!
Jesus, restore me, a prodigal!
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Kontakion 4
Having an interior storm of doubting thoughts, Peter was sinking. But beholding Thee, O Jesus, in the flesh walking on the waters, he confessed Thee to be the true God; and receiving the hand of salvation, he cried: Alleluia!
Ekos 4
When the blind man heard Thee, O Lord, passing by on the way, he cried: "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" And Thou didst call him and open his eyes. Likewise enlighten the spiritual eyes of my heart with Thy love as I cry to Thee and say:
Jesus, Creator of those on high!
Jesus, Redeemer of those below!
Jesus, Vanquisher of the powers of hell!
Jesus, Adorner of every creature!
Jesus, Comforter of my soul!
Jesus, Enlightener of my mind!
Jesus, Gladness of my heart!
Jesus, Health of my body!
Jesus, my Saviour, save me!
Jesus, my Light, enlighten me!
Jesus, deliver me from all torments!
Jesus, save me despite mine unworthiness!
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Kontakion 5
As of old Thou didst redeem us from the curse of the law by Thy Divinely-shed Blood, O Jesus, likewise rescue me from the snares in which the serpent hath entangled us through the passions of the flesh, through lustful suggestions and evil despondency, as we cry to Thee: Alleluia!
Ekos 5
Seeing the Creator in human form and knowing Him to be their Lord, the Hebrew children sought to please Him with branches, crying: Hosanna! But we offer Thee a song, saying:
Jesus, Tue God!
Jesus, Son of David!
Jesus, Glorious King!
Jesus, Innocent Lamb!
Jesus, Wonderful Shepherd!
Jesus, Guardian of mine infancy!
Jesus, Nourisher of my youth!
Jesus, Praise of mine old age!
Jesus, my Hope at death!
Jesus, my Life after death!
Jesus, my Comfort at Thy Judgment!
Jesus, my Desire, let me not then be ashamed!
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Kontakion 6
In fulfillment of the words and message of the inspired Prophets, O Jesus, Thou didst appear on earth, and Thou Who art uncontainable didst dwell with men. Thenceforth, being healed through Thy wounds, we learned to sing: Alleluia!
Ekos 6
When the light of Thy truth dawned on the world, devilish delusion was driven away; for the idols, O our Saviour, have fallen, unable to endure Thy strength. But we who have received salvation, cry to Thee:
Jesus, the Truth, dispelling falsehood!
Jesus, the light above all lights!
Jesus, the King, surpassing all in strength!
Jesus, God, constant in mercy!
Jesus, Bread of Life, fill me who am hungry!
Jesus, Source of Knowledge, refresh me who am thirsty!
Jesus, Garment of Gladness, clothe my nakedness!
Jesus, Veil of Joy, cover mine unworthiness!
Jesus, Giver to those who ask, give me sorrow for my sins!
Jesus, Finder of those who seek, find my soul!
Jesus, Opener to those who knock, open my wretched heart!
Jesus, Redeemer of sinners, wash away my sins!
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Kontakion 7
Desiring to unveil the mystery hidden from the ages, Thou wast led as a sheep to the slaughter, O Jesus, and as a lamb before its shearer. But as God Thou didst rise from the dead and didst ascend with glory to Heaven, and along with Thyself Thou didst raise us who cry: Alleluia!
Ekos 7
The Creator hath shown us a marvelous Creature, Who took flesh without seed from a Virgin, rose from the tomb without breaking the seal, and entered bodily the Apostles' room when the doors were shut. Therefore, marvelling at this we sing:
Jesus, Uncontainable Word!
Jesus, Inscrutable Intelligence!
Jesus, Incomprehensible Power!
Jesus, Inconceivable Wisdom!
Jesus, Undepictable Deity!
Jesus, Boundless Dominion!
Jesus, Invincible Kingdom!
Jesus, Unending Sovereignty!
Jesus, Supreme Strength!
Jesus, Eternal Power!
Jesus, my Creator, have compassion on me!
Jesus, my Saviour, save me!
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Kontakion 8
Seeing God wondrously incarnate, let us shun the vain world and set our mind on things divine; for God descended to earth to raise to heaven us who cry to Him: Alleluia!
Ekos 8
Being both below and above, Thou didst never falter, O Thou immeasurable One, when Thou didst voluntarily suffer for us, and by Thy death our death didst put to death, and by Thy Resurrection didst grant life to those who sing:
Jesus, Sweetness of the heart!
Jesus, Strength of the body!
Jesus, Purity of the soul!
Jesus, Brightness of the mind!
Jesus, Gladness of the conscience!
Jesus, Sure Hope!
Jesus, Memory Eternal!
Jesus, High Praise!
Jesus, my most exalted Glory!
Jesus, my Desire, reject me not!
Jesus, my Shepherd, recover me!
Jesus, my Saviour, save me!
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Kontakion 9
The Angelic Hosts in Heaven glorify unceasingly Thy most holy Name, O Jesus, crying, Holy, Holy, Holy! But we sinners on earth, with our frail voices cry: Alleluia!
Ekos 9
We see most eloquent orators voiceless as fish when they must speak of Thee, O Jesus our Saviour. For it is beyond their power to tell how Thou art both perfect man and immutable God at the same time. But we, marvelling at this Mystery, cry faithfully :
Jesus, Eternal God!
Jesus, King of Kings!
Jesus, Lord of Lords!
Jesus, Judge of the living and the dead!
Jesus, Hope of the hopeless!
Jesus, Comforter of the mournful!
Jesus, Glory of the poor!
Jesus, condemn me not according to my deeds!
Jesus, cleanse me according to Thy mercy!
Jesus, take from me despondency!
Jesus, enlighten the thoughts of my heart!
Jesus, make me ever mindful of death!
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Kontakion 10
Wishing to save the world, O Sunrise of the East, Thou didst come to the dark Occident of our nature, and didst humble Thyself even to the point of death. Therefore Thy Name is exalted above every name, and from all the tribes of heaven and earth, Thou dost hear: Alleluia!
Ekos 10
King Eternal, Comforter, true Christ! Cleanse us from every stain as Thou didst cleanse the Ten Lepers, and heal us as Thou didst heal the greedy soul of Zacchaeus the publican, that we may cry to Thee with compunction and say:
Jesus, Treasury Incorruptible!
Jesus, Unfailing Wealth!
Jesus, Strong Food!
Jesus, Inexhaustible Drink!
Jesus, Garment of the poor!
Jesus, Defender of widows!
Jesus, Protector of orphans!
Jesus, Helper of toilers!
Jesus, Guide of pilgrims!
Jesus, Pilot of voyagers!
Jesus, Calmer of tempests!
Jesus, God, raise me who am fallen!
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Kontakion 11
Tenderest songs I, though unworthy, offer to Thee, and like the woman of Canaan, I cry to Thee: O Jesus, have mercy on me! For it is not my daughter, but my flesh violently possessed with passions and burning with fury. So grant healing to me who cry to Thee: Alleluia!
Ekos 11
Having previously persecuted Thee Who art the Light that enlighteneth them that are in the darkness of ignorance, Paul experienced the power of the voice of divine enlightenment, and understood the swiftness of the soul's conversion to God. Likewise, enlighten the dark eye of my soul, as I cry:
Jesus, my most mighty King!
Jesus, my most powerful God!
Jesus, mine Immortal Lord!
Jesus, my most glorious Creator!
Jesus, my most kind Teacher and Guide!
Jesus, my most compassionate Shepherd!
Jesus, my most gracious Master!
Jesus, my most merciful Saviour!
Jesus, enlighten my senses darkened by passions!
Jesus, heal my body scabbed with sins!
Jesus, cleanse my mind from vain thoughts!
Jesus, keep my heart from evil!
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Kontakion 12
Grant me Thy grace, O Jesus, Absolver of all debts, and receive me who am repenting, as Thou didst receive Peter who denied Thee, and call me who am downcast, as of old Thou didst call Paul who persecuted Thee, and hear me crying to Thee: Alleluia!
Ekos 12
Praising Thine incarnation, we all glorify Thee and, with Thomas, we believe that Thou art our Lord and God, sitting with the Father and coming to judge the living and the dead. Grant that then I may stand on Thy right hand, who now cry:
Jesus, Eternal King, have mercy on me!
Jesus, sweet-scented Flower, make me fragrant!
Jesus, beloved Warmth, make me warm!
Jesus, Eternal Temple, shelter me!
Jesus, Garment of Light, adorn me!
Jesus, Pearl of great price, beam on me!
Jesus, precious Stone, illumine me!
Jesus, Sun of Righteousness, shine on me!
Jesus, holy Light, make me radiant!
Jesus, deliver me from sickness of soul and body!
Jesus, rescue me from the hands of the adversary!
Jesus, save me from the unquenchable fire and from the other eternal torments!
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Kontakion 13
O most sweet and most compassionate Jesus! Receive now this our small supplication, as Thou didst receive the widow's two mites, and keep Thine inheritance from all enemies, visible and invisible, from foreign invasion, from disease and hunger, from all tribulations and mortal wounds, and rescue from the torment to come all that cry to Thee: Alleluia! (Thrice)
This Kontakion is said Thrice, and Ekos 1 and Kontakion 1 are read again.
Ekos 1
Creator of Angels and Lord of Hosts! As of old Thou didst open ear and tongue to the deaf and dumb, likewise open now my perplexed mind and tongue to the praise of Thy Most Holy Name, that I may cry to Thee:
Jesus, Most-Wonderful, Angels' Astonishment!
Jesus, Most-Powerful, Forefathers' Deliverance!
Jesus, Most Sweet, Patriarchs' Exaltation!
Jesus, Most-Glorious, Kings' Stronghold!
Jesus, Most-Beloved Prophets' Fulfillment!
Jesus, Most-Marvellous, Martyrs' Strength!
Jesus, Most Peaceful, Monks' Joy!
Jesus, Most Gracious, Presbyters' Sweetness!
Jesus, Most Merciful, Fasters' Abstinence!
Jesus, Most Tender, Saints' Rejoicing!
Jesus, Most Honourable, Virgins' Chastity!
Jesus, Everlasting, Sinners' Salvation!
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Kontakion 1
O Champion Leader and Lord, Vanquisher of hades, I, Thy creature and servant, offer Thee songs of praise, for Thou hast delivered me from eternal death; but as Thou hast unutterable loving kindness, free me from every danger, as I cry:
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me!
Akathist to our most Holy Lady Theotokos
Kontakion 1
To Thee the Champion Leader, we, thy servants dedicate a feast of victory and of thanksgiving as ones rescued out of sufferings, O Theotokos; but as thou art one with might which is invincible, from all dangers that can be do thou deliver us, that we may cry to thee: 	Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!
Ekos 1
An Archangel was sent from Heaven to say to the Theotokos: Rejoice! And seeing Thee, O Lord, taking holy form, he was amazed and with his bodiless voice he stood crying to her such things as these:
Rejoice, thou through whom joy will flash forth!
Rejoice, thou through whom the curse will cease!
Rejoice, revival of fallen Adam!
Rejoice, redemption of the tears of Eve!
Rejoice, height hard to climb for human thoughts!
Rejoice, depth hard to contemplate even for the eyes of Angels!
Rejoice, for thou art the King's throne!
Rejoice, for thou bearest Him Who beareth all!
Rejoice, star that causest the Sun to appear!
Rejoice, womb of the divine incarnation!
Rejoice, thou through whom creation becometh new!
Rejoice, thou through whom we worship the Creator!
Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!
Kontakion 2
Aware that she was living in chastity, the holy Virgin said boldly to Gabriel: "Thy glorious voice is hard for my soul to accept. How is it thou speakest of the birth from a seedless conception?" And she cried: Alleluia!
Ekos 2
Seeking to know what cannot be understood, the Virgin cried to the ministering spirit: "Tell me, how can a son be born from a chaste womb?" Then he spoke to her in fear, only crying aloud thus:
Rejoice, initiate of God's ineffable will!
Rejoice, assurance of those who pray in silence!
Rejoice, prelude of Christ's miracles!
Rejoice, crown of His dogmas!
Rejoice, heavenly ladder by which God came down!
Rejoice, bridge that conveyest us from earth to heaven!
Rejoice, wonder of angels blazed abroad!
Rejoice, wound of demons bewailed afar!
Rejoice, thou who ineffably gavest birth to the Light!
Rejoice, thou who didst reveal thy secret to none!
Rejoice, thou who surpassest the knowledge of the wise!
Rejoice, thou who givest light to the minds of the faithful!
Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!
Kontakion 3
The power of the Most High then overshadowed the Virgin for conception, and showed her fruitful womb as a sweet meadow to all who wish to reap salvation, as they sing: Alleluia!
Ekos 3
Having received God into her womb, the Virgin hastened to Elizabeth whose unborn babe at once recognized her embrace, rejoiced, and with leaps of joy as songs, cried to the Theotokos:
Rejoice, bud of an undying Sprout!
Rejoice, fruit of a seedless gain!
Rejoice, labourer that labourest for the Lover of mankind!
Rejoice, thou who givest birth to the Planter of our life!
Rejoice, cornland yielding a rich crop of mercies!
Rejoice, table bearing a wealth of forgiveness!
Rejoice, thou who revivest the garden of delight!
Rejoice, thou who preparest a haven for souls!
Rejoice, acceptable incense of intercession!
Rejoice, purification of all the world!
Rejoice, favour of God to mortals!
Rejoice, access of mortals to God!
Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!
Kontakion 4
Sustaining from within a storm of doubtful thoughts, the chaste Joseph was troubled. For knowing thee to have no husband, he suspected a secret union, O blameless one. But when he learned that thy conception was of the Holy Spirit, he exclaimed: Alleluia!
Ekos 4
The shepherds heard Angels carolling Christ's incarnate Presence, and running like sheep to their shepherd, they beheld Him as an innocent Lamb Which had been pastured in Mary's womb, and singing to her, they said:
Rejoice, mother of the Lamb and the Shepherd!
Rejoice, fold of spiritual sheep!
Rejoice, defense against invisible enemies!
Rejoice, key to the gates of Paradise!
Rejoice, for the things of Heaven rejoice with the earth!
Rejoice, for the things of earth join chorus with the Heavens!
Rejoice, never-silent voice of the Apostles!
Rejoice, invincible courage of the martyrs!
Rejoice, firm support of faith!
Rejoice, radiant blaze of grace!
Rejoice, thou through whom hell was stripped bare!
Rejoice, thou through whom we are clothed with glory
Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!
Kontakion 5
Having sighted the divinely moving star, the Wise Men followed its light and held it as a lamp by which they sought a powerful King. And as they approached the Unapproachable, they rejoiced and shouted to Him: Alleluia!
Ekos 5
The sons of the Chaldees saw in the hands of the Virgin Him Who with His hand made man. And knowing Him to be the Lord although He had taken the form of a servant, they hastened to worship Him with their gifts and cried to her who is blessed:
Rejoice, mother of the never-setting Star!
Rejoice, dawn of the mystic Day!
Rejoice, thou who didst extinguish the furnace of error!
Rejoice, thou who didst enlighten the initiates of the Trinity!
Rejoice, thou who didst banish from power the inhuman tyrant!
Rejoice, thou who hast shown us Christ as the Lord and Lover of mankind!
Rejoice, thou who redeemest from pagan worship!
Rejoice, thou who dost drag from the mire of works!
Rejoice, thou who hast stopped the worship of fire!
Rejoice, thou who hast quenched the flame of the passions!
Rejoice, guide of the faithful to chastity!
Rejoice, joy of all generations!
Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!
Kontakion 6
Turned God-bearing heralds, the Wise Men returned to Babylon. They fulfilled Thy prophecy and to all preached Thee as the Christ, and they left Herod as a babbler who could not sing: Alleluia!
Ekos 6
By shining in Egypt the light of truth, Thou didst dispel the darkness of falsehood, O Saviour. For unable to endure Thy strength, its idols fell; and those that were freed from their spell cried to the Theotokos:
Rejoice, uplifting of men!
Rejoice, downfall of demons!
Rejoice, thou who hast trampled on the delusion of error!
Rejoice, thou who hast exposed the fraud of idols!
Rejoice, sea that hast drowned the spiritual Pharaoh!
Rejoice, rock that hast refreshed those thirsting for Life!
Rejoice, pillar of fire guiding those in darkness!
Rejoice, shelter of the world broader than a cloud!
Rejoice, sustenance replacing Manna!
Rejoice, minister of holy delight!
Rejoice, land of promise!
Rejoice, thou from whom floweth milk and honey!
Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!
Kontakion 7
When Simeon was about to depart this life of delusion, Thou wast brought as a Babe to him, but he recognized Thee as also perfect God: Wherefore marvelling at Thine ineffable wisdom, he cried: Alleluia!
Ekos 7
The Creator showed us a new creation when He appeared to us who came from Him. For He sprang from a seedless womb and kept it chaste as it was, that seeing the miracle we might sing to her, crying out:
Rejoice, flower of incorruption!
Rejoice, crown of continence!
Rejoice, flashing symbol of the resurrection!
Rejoice, mirror of the life of the Angels!
Rejoice, tree of Light-bearing Fruit whereby the faithful are nourished!
Rejoice, tree of goodly shade by which many are sheltered!
Rejoice, thou that hast carried in thy womb the Redeemer of captives!
Rejoice, thou that gavest birth to the Guide of those astray!
Rejoice, pleader before the Just Judge!
Rejoice, forgiveness of many sins!
Rejoice, robe of boldness for the naked!
Rejoice, love that vanquishest all desire!
Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!
Kontakion 8
Having beheld a strange nativity, let us estrange ourselves from the world and transport our minds to Heaven. For the Most High God appeared on earth as a lowly man, because He wished to draw to the heights them that cry to Him: Alleluia!
Ekos 8
Wholly present was the infinite Word among those here below, yet in no way absent rom those on high; for this was a divine condescension and not a change of place. And His birth vas from a God-possessed Virgin who heard words like these:
Rejoice, container of the uncontainable God!
Rejoice, door of solemn mystery!
Rejoice, doubtful report of unbelievers!
Rejoice, renowned boast of the faithful!
Rejoice, all-holy chariot of Him Who rideth upon the Cherubim!
Rejoice, all-glorious temple of Him Who is above the Seraphim!
Rejoice, thou who hast united opposites!
Rejoice, thou who hast joined virginity and motherhood.
Rejoice, thou through whom sin hath been absolved!
Rejoice, thou through whom Paradise is opened!
Rejoice, key to the Kingdom of Christ!
Rejoice, hope of eternal blessings!
Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!
Kontakion 9
All angel-kind was amazed at the great act of Thine incarnation; for they saw the inaccessible God as a man accessible to all, abiding with us and hearing from all: Alleluia!
Ekos 9
We see most eloquent orators mute as fish before thee, O Theotokos. For they dare not ask: How canst thou bear a child and yet remain a Virgin? But we marvel at the mystery, and cry with faith:
Rejoice, receptacle of the Wisdom of God!
Rejoice, treasury of His Providence!
Rejoice, thou who showest philosophers to be fools!
Rejoice, thou who constrainest the learned to silence!
Rejoice, for the clever critics have made fools of themselves!
Rejoice, for the writers of myths have died out!
Rejoice, thou who didst break the webs of the Athenians!
Rejoice, thou who didst fill the nets of the fishermen!
Rejoice, thou who drawest us from the depths of ignorance!
Rejoice, thou who enlightenest many with knowledge!
Rejoice, ship of those who wish to be saved!
Rejoice, haven for sailors on the sea of life!
Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!
Kontakion 10
Wishing to save the world, He that is the Adorner of all came to it according to His Own promise; and He that, as God, is the Shepherd, for our sake appeared unto us as a man: for like calling unto like, as God He heareth: Alleluia!
Ekos 10
Thou art a bulwark to virgins and to all that flee to thee, O Virgin Theotokos; for the Maker of heaven and earth prepared thee, O most pure one, dwelling in thy womb, and teaching all to call to thee:
Rejoice, pillar of virginity!
Rejoice, gate of salvation!
Rejoice, founder of spiritual instruction!
Rejoice, dispenser of divine good!
Rejoice, for thou didst regenerate those conceived in shame!
Rejoice, for thou gavest understanding to those robbed of their senses!
Rejoice, thou who didst foil the corrupter of minds!
Rejoice, thou who gavest birth to the Sower of chastity!
Rejoice, bridechamber of a seedless marriage!
Rejoice, thou who dost wed the faithful to the Lord!
Rejoice, good foster-mother of virgins!
Rejoice, betrother of holy souls!
Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!
Kontakion 11
Every hymn is defeated that trieth to embrace the multitude of Thy many mercies. For if we should offer to Thee, O Holy King, songs numberless as the sand, we should still have done nothing worthy of what Thou hast given to us who shout to Thee: Alleluia!
Ekos 11
We see the Holy Virgin as a flaming torch appearing to those in darkness. For having kindled the Immaterial Light, she guideth all to divine knowledge, she illumineth our minds with radiance and is honoured by our shouting these praises:
Rejoice, ray of the noetic Sun!
Rejoice, radiance of the unsetting Light!
Rejoice, lightning that enlightenest our souls!
Rejoice, thunder that terrifiest our enemies!
Rejoice, for thou didst cause the refulgent Light to dawn!
Rejoice, for thou didst cause the river of many-streams to gush forth!
Rejoice, living image of the font!
Rejoice, remover of the stain of sin!
Rejoice, laver that washest the conscience clean!
Rejoice, cup that drawest up joy!
Rejoice, aroma of the fragrance of Christ!
Rejoice, life of mystical festivity!
Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!
Kontakion 12
When He Who forgiveth all men their past debts wished to restore us to favour, of His own will He came to dwell among those who had fallen from His grace; and having torn up the record of their sins, He heareth from all: Alleluia!
Ekos 12
While singing to thy Child, we all praise thee as a living temple, O Theotokos For the Lord Who holdeth all things in His hand dwelt in thy womb, and He sanctified and glorified thee, and taught all to cry to thee:
Rejoice, tabernacle of God the Word!
Rejoice, saint greater than the saints!
Rejoice, ark made golden by the Spirit!
Rejoice, inexhaustible treasury of Life!
Rejoice, precious diadem of pious kings!
Rejoice, precious boast of devoted priests!
Rejoice, unshakable tower of the Church!
Rejoice, inviolable wall of the Kingdom!
Rejoice, thou through whom victories are obtained!
Rejoice, thou before whom foes fall prostrate!
Rejoice, healing of my body!
Rejoice, salvation of my soul!
Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!
Kontakion 13
O all-praised Mother who didst bear the Word holiest of all the Saints, accept now our offering, and deliver us from all misfortune, and rescue from the torment to come those that cry to thee: Alleluia! (Thrice)
This Kontakion is said thrice. And Ekos 1 and Kontakion 1 are read again.
Ekos 1
An Archangel was sent from Heaven to say to the Theotokos: Rejoice! And seeing Thee, O Lord, taking bodily form, he was amazed and with his bodiless voice he stood crying to her such things as these:
Rejoice, thou through whom joy will flash forth!
Rejoice, thou through whom the curse will cease!
Rejoice, revival of fallen Adam!
Rejoice, redemption of the tears of Eve!
Rejoice, height hard to climb for human thoughts!
Rejoice, depth hard to contemplate even for the eyes of Angels!
Rejoice, for thou art the King's throne!
Rejoice, for thou bearest Him Who beareth all!
Rejoice, star that causest the Sun to appear!
Rejoice, womb of the divine incarnation!
Rejoice, thou through whom creation becometh new!
Rejoice, thou through whom we worship the Creator!
Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!
Kontakion 1
To Thee the Champion Leader, we, thy servants dedicate a feast of victory and of thanksgiving as ones rescued out of sufferings, O Theotokos: but as thou art one with might which is invincible, from all dangers that can be do thou deliver us, that we may cry to thee:
Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded!
Eirmos: When the golden image was worshipped in the plain of Dura, Thy three children despised the godless order. Thrown into the fire, they were bedewed and sang: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
O Christ Jesus, no one on earth hath ever sinned, O my Jesus, as I, the wretched one and prodigal, have sinned. Wherefore, I cry to Thee, my Jesus, have compassion on me as I sing: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
O Christ Jesus, I cry: Nail me down with the fear of Thee, O my Jesus, and pilot me to Thy calm haven now, O my compassionate Jesus, that as one saved I may sing to Thee: Blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
O Christ Jesus, ten thousand times have I, the passionate one, promised Thee repentance, O my Jesus, but wretch that I am, I deceived Thee. Wherefore, I cry to Thee, my Jesus: Enlighten my soul which remaineth unfeeling: O Christ, the God of our fathers, blessed art Thou.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
O thou who gavest birth to Jesus awesomely and above nature, O all-blameless one, implore Him, O Maiden, to forgive me all the sins that I have committed against my nature, that as one saved I may cry: Blessed art thou who didst give birth to God in the flesh.
To the Theotokos:
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Having willed to accomplish our salvation, Thou didst dwell in the womb of the Virgin, O Saviour, and didst reveal her to the world as the mediatress: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
O pure mother who didst bear the Lover of Mercy, implore Him to deliver from sins and from defilements of the soul them that with faith cry: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Thou hast shown her who gave birth to Thee to be a treasury of salvation, fountain of incorruption, tower of safety, and door of repentance to them that cry: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
O Mother of God, grant healing for the weakness of our bodies and for the sickness of our souls to those that with love appeal to thy protection, O Virgin, who for us gavest birth to Christ the Saviour.
To the Guardian Angel:
Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, pray to God for me.
Be merciful to me and pray to God, O Angel of the Lord, for I have thee as my defender for the whole of my life, the guide and guardian, given me by God forever.
Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, pray to God for me.
Let not my sinful pilgrim soul, given thee blameless by God, be slain by robbers, O Holy Angel, but lead it to the way of repentance.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
My whole soul is disgraced by evil thoughts and acts, but make haste, O my guide, and grant me healing with good thoughts, that I may always follow the right way.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen
To Jesus: Fill with wisdom and divine strength all that cry with faith, through the Mother of God, to Thee, O Personal Wisdom of the Highest: O God of our fathers, blessed art Thou.
Eirmos: O ye works, praise the Lord God, Who descended into the fiery furnace with the Hebrew children and changed the flame into dew, and supremely exalt Him unto all ages.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
I implore Thee, O my Jesus: As Thou didst redeem the harlot from many sins, O my Jesus, likewise redeem me, O Christ my Jesus, and cleanse my foul soul, O my Jesus.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
O Jesus, having yielded to irrational pleasures, I have become irrational, O my Jesus; and wretch that I am, I have truly become like unto the beasts, O Saviour. Wherefore, O Jesus, deliver me from irrationality.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
Having fallen, O Jesus, into the hands of soul-corrupting thieves, I have been stripped now of my divinely-woven garment, O my Jesus, and I am lying all bruised with wounds. O my Christ, do thou pour on me oil and wine.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
O Theotokos Mary, who ineffably didst carry the Christ, my Jesus and God: do thou ever implore Him to save from perils thy servants and them that praise thee, O Virgin who knewest not wedlock.
To the Theotokos:
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Disdain not, O Virgin, those who need thy help and who hymn thee and supremely exalt thee, O Maiden, unto the ages.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Thou healest the pains of my body and the infirmities of my soul, O Virgin, that I may glorify thee, O pure one, unto the ages.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Thou pourest a wealth of healing, O Virgin, on those who with faith hymn thee and supremely exalt thine ineffable childbearing.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Thou drivest away the assaults of temptations and the attacks of the passions, O Virgin; wherefore we hymn thee unto the ages.
To the Guardian Angel:
Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, pray to God for me.
O gracious Angel, sent by God, strengthen the life of thy servant and forsake me not unto the ages.
Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, pray to God for me.
O good Angel, guide and guardian of my soul, O most blessed one, I hymn thee unto the ages.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
Be my veil and visor in the Judgment Day of all men, when all deeds, good and evil, will be tried by fire.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: Be the help and peace of thy servant, O Ever-Virgin Theotokos, and leave me not bereft of thy protection.
Eirmos: God the Word, Who came forth from God, and Who by ineffable wisdom came to renew Adam after his grievous fail to corruption through eating, and Who ineffably took flesh from the holy Virgin for our sake, Him do we the faithful with one accord magnify with hymns.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
I have surpassed, O my Jesus, Manasseh and the publican, the harlot and the prodigal, O compassionate Jesus, and the robber, O my Jesus, through all my shameful and unseemly deeds, O Jesus; but do Thou forestall me, O my Jesus, and save me.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
By my passions, O my Jesus, have I, the wretched one, surpassed all those from Adam who have sinned both before the Law and in the Law, O Jesus, and after the Law and Grace, O my Jesus. hut by Thy judgments save me, O my Jesus.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
May I not be parted from Thine ineffable glory, my Jesus, nor may the portion on the left fall to me, O sweetest Jesus; but set me on the right hand with Thy sheep and give me rest, O Christ my Jesus, since Thou art compassionate.
O sweetest Jesus, save us.
O Theotokos, who didst carry Jesus, O only unwedded Virgin Mary who knewest not wedlock, O pure one invoke Him, thy Son and Creator, to be gracious unto us that we who have recourse to thee may be delivered from temptations and perils, and from the fire that is to come.
To the Theotokos:
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Turn not away from the torrent of my tears, O Virgin, who didst give birth to Christ Who dried all tears from every face.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Fill my heart with joy, O Virgin, who didst receive the Fullness of Joy and banish the grief of sin.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
Be the haven and mediation and the unshakable wall, the refuge and the protection and the gladness, O Virgin, of all that flee to thee for refuge.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
With the rays of thy light, O Virgin, enlighten those that with true faith confess thee to be the Theotokos, and banish the darkness of ignorance.
O most holy Theotokos, save us.
In the place of suffering, O Virgin, heal me, humbled by infirmity, and transform me from sickness to health.
To the Guardian Angel:
O Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on us.
Have mercy on me, O my only Saviour, for Thou art merciful and kind-hearted, and make me a member of the Choirs of the Righteous.
Holy Angel of the Lord, my Guardian, pray to God for me.
Grant me ever to think and do only what is useful, O Angel of the Lord, that I may be blameless and strong in infirmity.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
Having boldness towards the Heavenly King, do thou, with the other angels, entreat Him to have mercy on me the wretched one.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Theotokion: O Virgin who hast great boldness towards Him Who took flesh of thee, deliver me from fetters and grant me forgiveness and salvation through thy prayers.
Prayer to Our Lord
O Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, my God, through thine ineffable love for mankind Thou wast wrapped in flesh, at the end of the ages, from the Ever-Virgin Mary. I glorify Thy saving providence and care for me, Thy servant, O Master. I praise Thee, for through Thee, I have learned to know the Father. I bless Thee through Whom the Holy Spirit came into the world. I bow to Thy most pure Mother who served for the dread mystery of Thine Incarnation. I praise the angelic choir as the servants and singers of Thy majesty. I bless Saint John the Forerunner who baptized Thee, O Lord. I honour also the prophets who announced Thee. I glorify Thy holy apostles. I celebrate the martyrs. I glorify Thy priests. I venerate Thy saints and praise all Thy righteous ones. This such countless and unutterable divine choir, I thy servant, in prayer offer to Thee, O all-compassionate God. Wherefore, I ask the forgiveness of my sins, which do Thou grant me for the sake of all Thy saints, but especially for the sake of Thy holy compassion, for blessed art Thou unto the ages. Amen.
Prayer to the
Most Holy Theotokos:
Accept from us thine unworthy servants, O all-powerful-for-good, immaculate. Sovereign Lady, Mother of God, these honourable gifts, which can be offered only to thee, who art the one chosen out of all generations, and who hast become higher than all creation, heavenly and earthly. For through thee the Lord of hosts was with us, and through thee we came to know the Son of God, and were granted His holy Body and most pure Blood. Wherefore thou art blessed by all generations, the Favourite of God, more radiant than the Cherubim, and more honourable than the Seraphim. And now, O all-hymned, most holy Theotokos, cease not to pray for us thine unworthy servants, to be delivered from every snare of the subtle one, and from all besetting sins, and preserve us unharmed from every poisonous temptation of the devil. But by thy prayers preserve us unto the end uncondemned; for saved by thy help and protection, we send up glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for all, to the One God in Trinity and Creator of all, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer to the
Holy Guardian Angel
Holy Angel of Christ, I fall down and pray to thee, my holy Guardian, given me from holy Baptism for the protection of my sinful body and soul. By my laziness and bad habits, I have angered thy most pure light, and have driven thee away from me by all my shameful deeds, lies, slander, envy, condemnation, scorn, disobedience, hatred of brother, grudges, avarice, adultery, anger, meanness, greed, gluttony, drunkenness, loquacity, negative and evil thoughts, proud ways, having self-will in all the desires of the flesh. O my evil will, which even the dumb animals do not follow! How canst thou look at me or approach me! With what eyes, O Angel of Christ, wilt thou look at me so badly snared in vile deeds? How can I ask forgiveness for my bitter, evil and wicked deeds, into which I fall every day and night, and every hour? But falling down, I pray to thee, O my holy Guardian: pity me, thy sinful and unworthy servant (Name) . Be my helper and protector against my wicked enemy, by thy holy prayers, and make me a partaker of the Kingdom of God with all the Saints, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
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