Two Identical Definitions of Christianity. What is the way of the Cross? Important questions we must answer. Audio Homily 2010

The Epistle and Gospel for the Sunday after the Exaltation of the Cross both contain identical ‘definitions’ of Christianity. They both involve the cross, which is an instrument of death and of life. All Christians must voluntaily be crucified with Christ, and tak up their cross. This is explained by our Lord’s instruction that we must ‘lose’ our life to save it, and His uestions: For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? We must understand this if we are to truly live the Christian life and know Christ.

To Pray For Someone More Diligently. Prayer Of St Silouan Of Mount Athos For All People. Audio talk and prayer texts.

This is another in our short after liturgy catechetical talks. We discuss 2 prayers that everyone should have for their personal prayer rule. The prayer of St Silouan is especially important. St Silouan prayed for all the people of the world. This is a sure sign of love. We must cultivate habits that build this kind of love. The audio explains a little about these prayers and quotes them. The word document contains these two prayers. It can be printed and cut into quarters to have 4 sheets with both prayers.